As the powers that be quarrel endlessly amongst themselves, a vast and sprawling continent sits in disarray. In light of these troublesome times, the Palisadian-Post asked locals the one question left on everybody’s mind: Who will win the “Game of Thrones?”
You know, I think Sansa’s going to take Westeros. People underestimate how smart she is.
— Purcy Glove
I’m going to have to go with the dragons. Just the dragons.
— Ned Hardy
Okay, I’ve never actually watched “Game of Thrones.” I wish I had more time, but now I’m too far behind to start.
— Mike Minky
Daenerys and Jon are going to team up and take it all.
— Emily Rishwain
I want it to be Jon Snow, but that seems a little too obvious. I think it might be Littlefinger—mostly because he’s a cockroach and I think George R.R. Martin may just be that cruel.
—Julie Stumpus
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