Longtime Will Rogers State Historic Park aide and Rogers raconteur Nelda Lockwood passed away on April 17 at the age of 93. ”During her 27 year-career at the park, which began when she was 65, Nelda acted as the voice of Will Rogers, gathering original stories from those who knew him well and sharing those stories with the public. She retired from the park at age 92. ”Born on October 11, 1911, Nelda moved with her family to Oregon when she was 4. Later, she and her husband Bill made their home in Washington until they hit the road with their three children in a travel trailer and visited every state in the union. They finally built their home and settled in Encino.” ”Over her lifetime, Nelda raised three generations of families and friends of her children. She was a Girl Scout leader, Cub Scout den mother, active in Boy Scouting with her sons, and a Sunday school teacher.” ”Nelda always thought children were important and when she lost her husband in 1963 she directed her energies and employment toward child-centered activities: day care in her home, complete with a horse, chickens, rabbits and ducks; and later, work in a private school as the ‘resident mom’ and office manager. ”One of her ‘adopted’ children was former Will Rogers Park ranger DebiRuth Stadnik, who lived in the Lockwood home in junior and senior high. She was working at Will Rogers when Nelda, 65 at the time, was looking for a new job. DebiRuth recruited Nelda as a park aide and the story went on from there. ” ”Nelda became a self-taught expert on the life and stories of Will Rogers, reading every book, story, account and article about him; driving her camper (in her 70s) alone, from California to Will Rogers’ birthplace in Oklahoma; spending one vacation in Barrow, Alaska, where Rogers’ plane went down; and sharing Will’s stories with the public. She received an award of recognition for dedication at the park. Although she didn’t run the July 4th 10K runs through the park, she attended them all, even if she wasn’t working on the day of the event. ” ”Will Rogers said, ‘I never met a man I didn’t like.’ Nelda never met a child she didn’t like nor one she wasn’t willing to welcome into her heart or home. Nelda’s friends and co-workers at the park were like a second family to her. She used to say, ‘It doesn’t feel like work. Just think, they pay me for this.’ ” ”Known to many as ‘Mom,’ she is survived by a large extended family that includes children Bill (wife Shirley), Bruce (Sue) and Sioux Radkovic (Mark); grandchildren Buddy and Tina; great grandchildren Tyler, Alyssa and Nicholas; god-daughters Tanya, Lisa and Monique; foster son Randy Thomson (Patti); and her dog Harty. ”A Celebration of Life potluck picnic at Will Rogers State Historic Park will be held at the picnic grounds starting at 11 on June 26. Bring your stories, photos and memories.
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