Joel Rosenthal, 12, and Louie Shirase, 16, both students at Gerry Blanck’s Martial Arts Center, recently received their black belt certificates from Japan. Rosenthal, a seventh-grader at Paul Revere, moved up to second degree black belt. He has been practicing karate since the age of five and is also making a name for himself as an actor, having starred in six plays over the last two years at Theatre Palisades. Shirase, a sophomore at PaliHi, advanced to first degree black belt. He also practices Kendo, Kung Fu, stunt fighting, and recently assisted Sensei Blanck and martial arts film star Jesse Borja in training the two lead actors for ABC Family’s upcoming show “Samurai Girl.” To celebrate his 26th anniversary in Pacific Palisades Blanck will have a summer seminar July 19 that includes a demonstration at 3 p.m.
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