A group of talented students at Calvary Christian School debuted their musical theater performance of “Freckleface Strawberry” The Musical April 3 and 4. Based on the New York Times Best Selling book by actress Julianne Moore, the audience stepped inside the book’s pages with Freckleface and her friends as they learned to love the skin they’re in.
This musical was the first performance by Calvary’s newly formed after school Theater Ensemble that is made up of students in grades 2-6 who attend Calvary Christian School and want to further their acting, singing and dancing passions.
“As part of the Calvary After School Talent (C.A.S.T.) program, Theater Ensemble allows our students the opportunity to develop their acting abilities more fully, without the expense or travel time of private lessons,” said Lydia Medeiros, the program’s theater director. “It’s amazing to see how quickly motivated students, when provided the opportunity, develop into budding actors.”
Photo: Nick Oullette
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