By CARYS THOMPSON | Junior Reporter
Do you ever feel like you’re addicted to your phone? I think we all do in some way. My phone is an iPhone 5SE, which I got for my birthday when I was 10.
Research shows that roughly 50 percent of teens feel they are addicted to their phone.
A fascinating 2016 survey by Common Sense Media also revealed that 72 percent of teens feel the need to immediately respond to texts, social networking messages and other notifications.
With all of this technology it seems as if our entire lives are circled around this tiny piece of metal and plastic that is glued to us night and day. So, if I asked you to give up your phone for a day, what would you say? Yes or no? Or perhaps it’s a maybe?
Either way, I tried it and let me say … it was no easy task.
To start the experiment, I asked some of my friends if they would join me in not using their phones/main electronic device for a day. I was actually surprised when they—and even some of their parents—all said no! So, it looked like it would be just me.
During the first hour of the separation from my phone, I was completely bored senseless.
I had nothing to do except, of course, go on my phone, which I clearly was not allowed to do. It made me wonder what kids without cellphones did in their free time. Whatever they did I was flabbergasted how they managed not to die of boredom.
When I told my dad this he just rolled his eyes and buried himself in his laptop. I could tell he wasn’t going to be much help.
Throughout the day I found out that I didn’t need to use my phone at all. I found multiple ways to occupy my free time. One of them was that I worked on tasks I needed to finish— such as my summer reading list— and I also volunteered at a few places.
It felt good not having to check my screen for any messages or going on YouTube. It was a big change to my whole day.
The day after the experiment when I got my phone back, I felt relieved—but also upset. I felt relieved to know that I could text my parents and friends, but I felt upset because now I felt more tempted to go on my phone more, which was something that I didn’t want to do.
I don’t use apps like Instagram, Snapchat and WhatsApp to begin with. I mainly use my trusty phone for calls, texting, playing a few games and watching YouTube videos that my dad describes as “junk.”
The entire experience was fun and I really enjoyed it.
Sorry guys, I’ve got to go because someone’s just texted me.
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