‘What Is This Thing Called Grief?’ | Pacific Palisades
Palisades Alliance for Seniors, an intergenerational group helping seniors to stay connected with their community, will host a one-hour online program “What Is This Thing Called Grief?” on Thursday, February 18, at 10:30 a.m.
The guest speaker will be Senior Clinical Coordinator of Adult Programs at OUR HOUSE Grief Support Center in West Los Angeles Joanne Weingarten, Psy.D.
“Grief is the single most common experience, yet in our country and in our communities, it is often ignored and overlooked, for any number of reasons,” according to a press release from Palisades Alliance for Seniors ahead of the meeting. “OUR HOUSE provides essential grief support for a universal experience that deserves heightened understanding and acceptance.”
Weingarten has requested that those who attend turn their video cameras on.
“Seeing each other’s faces enables eye contact and helps everyone to feel connected,” according to the press release, “especially participants who may feel vulnerable sharing sensitive material.”
The event is free to attend with advance registration by emailing palisadesalliance@gmail.com.
Virtual Family Hamantasch Bake | Pacific Palisades
Chabad of Pacific Palisades will host a Virtual Family Hamantasch Bake on Sunday, February 21, at 10:30 a.m. in honor of the upcoming holiday of Purim.
“Participants of all ages will make a basic dough and customize it to traditional, funfetti or chocolate dough with a variety of fillings,” according to information provided by Chabad ahead of the event.
Each registered participant will receive a baking kit, which includes ingredients, specialty and art supplies, that will make approximately two dozen hamantaschan.
Orders can be placed at chabadpalisades.com/bake by Sunday, February 14. A Zoom link will be provided upon RSVP. Kits, which cost $25, will be available for pick up at Chabad on Thursday, February 18.
Valentine’s Day Fundraiser | Pacific Palisades
Malibu-based Emily Shane Foundation is hosting a Valentine’s Day fundraiser, with all proceeds benefiting disadvantaged students in middle schools in LA and Ventura counties in the nonprofit charity’s Successful Educational Achievement Program, which provides intensive academic tutoring and mentorship.
“We are providing the opportunity to send virtual roses to others in honor of Valentine’s Day as a way to mark this special day,” according to a statement. “It is a lovely way to let friends, family and loved ones know you are thinking of them and care.”
A single virtual rose is $5, with options up to 24 at $20 per bouquet. The deadline to purchase roses is Friday, February 12, at 6 p.m. to ensure delivery.
For more information or to purchase roses, visit bit.ly/esflove.
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