Good choices for the Parade Marshals. It was nice to see Joe and Mike honored for their dedication to the community. Also fun to see Eugene Levy as Grand Marshal. I’m glad he was in town for all the fun!
Alright, I am on a mission to find the best soup in Pacific Palisades. Who has suggestions of what I need to try? Open to any and all soups in the Palisades.
Scary Driving
To the driver of the bright green sedan: I hope you have good liability insurance. When you breezed through the stop sign at Monaco and D’Este on Thursday, 7/14 at 3:30 p.m., you came within inches of hitting my dog (and me).
I loved seeing all of the decorated homes that participated in this year’s contest. Congratulations to the winners!
The actual reason we didn’t have a flyover on July 4 was the Secret Service canceled it due to the arrival of Vice President Kamala Harris on that day.
I hope the family of the home that caught on fire is doing okay. I am wishing them well. And a huge shout out to our amazing firefighters, they’ve done so much for our community.
Does anybody nearby offer surf lessons? It would be fun to connect with locals who love to surf, it’s something I’ve always wanted to do.
Love the Cutout Cutlery move going on! Every week or so there’s a new restaurant joining the movement, you go Palisades!
Got something to say? Call (310) 454-1321 or email and get those kudos or concerns off your chest. Names will not be used.
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