Palisadian-founded Crayon Collection has put together creative activities for kids to do while spending time at home. Here are steps to complete Alphabet Soup—a project developed by Victoria Fu.

Objective: Students will review the letters of the alphabet through an abstract drawing that incorporates all letters of the alphabet.
Age: Kindergarten and up
Time: 45-50 minutes
Material: Paper, crayons
Focus: Language, visual arts (color, shape, line, space)
Core standards: Common Core: Reading – Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet
Visual arts: Creative Expression – Use lines, shapes/forms, and colors to make patterns
Opening (five minutes):
Practice the ABCs with the student
Instruction and Guided Practice (10 minutes):
Introduce the activity and show the picture example from the resource page.
Look at this example of a completed drawing. The letters of the alphabet are written all over the page. But each letter is a different size and is written in a different direction. Also, you’ll notice that the letters are drawn in different colors. You’ll also see that the lines of the letters create new shapes. Today, we will do this project and make our own alphabet soup!
Model drawing a few letters in different colors, sizes and directions for the student.
Step 1: Take your piece of paper and one crayon and begin by drawing the letter A. It can be as big or as small as you want. It can be capitalized or little. It can go in any direction.
Step 2: Next draw the letter B. Make it a different color and a different size than A.
Step 3: Next draw the letter C. Make it a different color and draw it in a different direction than the other letters.
Step 4: Keep drawing each letter in the alphabet but make sure to make them different from one another. Draw each letter in a different color. Make them different sizes, write them upside down, or sideways, make some capital letters and some lowercase letters. Overlap the letters, the more the better!
Reference the example from the resource page as needed.
Work Time (30 minutes):
Once the student finishes drawing all the letters of the alphabet, they should color in the letters and the shapes surrounding them. The entire page will be colored in.
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