Frank Damon and his wife, Dr. Linda Damon, have lived in the Marquez Knolls neighborhood since 1975. Frank, who grew up in the San Fernando Valley, is a 1965 UCLA graduate with a law degree from the University of San Diego. He is a practicing attorney in Los Angeles (specializing in insurance matters), a docent at El Pueblo de Los Angeles, a volunteer teacher of photography and Photoshop under the auspices of PrimeTime LAUSD at University High School, a memory trainer at the UCLA Center on Aging and a member of the Pacific Palisades Art Association. He is also a past president of Kehillat Israel synagogue (1985-87) and former chief deputy insurance commissioner under Governor Jerry Brown (1981-83). Frank is now pursuing his passion for photography, as expressed in the Artist Statement on his Web site (frankdamonphotography.com): ’I have been a lawyer all my adult life and have been slowly developing an interest in photography. The dawning of the digital era has amazed me and wrapped its technical arms around me and dragged me in. I had always been intrigued by what the camera could do (I still remember using real flash bulbs in my youth) but my left brain was tugging with more intensity than my right brain, which presents a creative obstacle. ’While still literal in photographing the serene beauty of our landscape and objects of humor that are among us, I am exploring the use of the camera to develop and grow as a person. The camera, a metaphor for a person, is limitless in what it can pursue and achieve.’
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