By SARAH SHMERLING | Editor-in-Chief
With campuses closed to students statewide and Stay at Home orders in place, the end of the academic year has been completely and totally uprooted—especially for those who are graduating.
Palisades Charter High School aimed to honor its students with a #BeTheLight display, which included illuminating the stadium, pool and baseball field areas on Friday, May 1, at 8:20 p.m. (20:20 in Military Time). The display went on for 20 minutes and 20 seconds to honor Pali High students for what they’ve gone through in 2020 and the Class of 2020.
To further customize the display, 2020 was put on the scoreboard at both the pool and stadium. Plywood sheets were also cut into 2s and 0s that were between five and six feet tall, which were placed on the baseball field, moved to the pool and finally to the stadium—all on the back of a service cart.
“We know the end of this school year has been very different than everybody had envisioned and imaged and wanted,” Pali High Director of Operations Don Parcell shared with the Palisadian-Post following the display. “The distance learning mode that we’re in has really curtailed so many—for the seniors in particular—of their different activities that create long-lasting memories.”
Events that have been canceled include prom, an in-person graduation, senior picnic, senior pool party and more. Parcell explained that there are many events at Pali High that culminate the school year, particularly for seniors.
“We feel bad about that, we feel bad for them,” Parcell explained. “Obviously we’re trying to continue the academic aspect stuff the best we can through the distance learning program, but this just was a little gesture on our part to make sure that they know that we’re thinking about them and that we actually care about all of that.
“Just kind of a way to honor them and what they’re going through, it doesn’t make up for any of those things being lost for them, but it was just something to say, ‘We’re thinking about you.’”
Parcell explained that though an in-person graduation ceremony is not in the cards for Pali High this year, the school is looking at other possibilities, including winter break or late June 2021.
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