For those who dare to have their dreams revisited by the villainous clown Pennywise, the news that Stephen King’s “It” is receiving a sequel will be gladly welcomed.
To top it off, Palisadian Bill Hader is in talks to join the cast as adult Richie Tozier, played by Finn Wolfhard in the first installment. Comparing the wonderfully expressive faces of these two actors, the casting is absolutely, shockingly, spot-on.
Although Hader flies under the radar by maintaining zero social media accounts (rather an impressive feat in 2018), he is one of the most versatile actors to emerge from the famed comedic training ground of “Saturday Night Live.”
He’s been fortunate enough to enjoy a performance career that spans both film and television, and after defining roles in “Trainwreck,” “Maggie’s Plan” and a less-known gem called “The Skeleton Twins,” it’s no surprise that he’s being recruited for big budget, big deal projects.
Now let’s face it, Hollywood is a bumpy ride. But if all goes to plan with Hader’s contract and negotiations, he’ll begin work on the film this summer. Presumably during a hiatus from HBO’s “Barry,” which he’s currently starring in as a theatrically inclined hitman.
Returning to helm “It: Chapter Two” are director Andy Muschietti and screenwriter Gary Dauberman. Bill Skarsgård is reprising his role as the demonic Pennywise, and Jessica Chastain has been cast as adult Beverly Marsh. There’s word on the street that James McAvoy will play adult Bill Denbrough. A solid cast indeed.
Clearly, all the ingredients are there for a successful round two of this spine-tingling adventure. But we’ll have to wait until the September 2019 release date to know for sure.
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