Daniel Edelstein, a fifth-grader at St. Matthew’s, just returned from Angel Fire, New Mexico, where he competed in the USASA National Snowboard Championships as a member of the Mammoth Mountain team. Edelstein took up snowboarding four years ago and tried out for the Mammoth team in December. He made the squad and is currently the youngest member of Mammoth’s Upper Development Division. All year, he has competed in the USASA/Vans Unbound Series Boardercross and Slopestyle events in Mammoth and June Mountain. Based on his total scores in Boardercross, Edelstein was selected as the leader to represent Mammoth in the Menehune Boys 10- to 11-year-old age division at the National Championships. He also plans to hone his skills this summer at High Cascade Snowboard Camp in Mt. Hood, Oregon.
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