City of Los Angeles officials announced this week that ‘early-bird’ spectator chairs along the Fourth of July parade route will no longer be tolerated. ‘Due to the ever increasing amount of trip-and-fall hazards and blocked access associated with parade goers who place chairs and other obstructions on the public sidewalks’ the week before the parade, ‘the Bureau of Street Services will prohibit people from placing obstructions, such as chairs, benches and ice chests prior to 6 p.m. on Saturday, July 3,’ said a memo from Monique Ford, a field deputy for City Councilwoman Cindy Miscikowski. The parade begins at 2 p.m. on July 4 and travels from Bowdoin and Via de la Paz up to Sunset, east to Drummond, down to Toyopa and west back to Alma Real. According to the memo prepared by Ford and Street Services: ‘Per discussions with parade leaders, local businesses, parade goers and other interested parties, it was determined that the placement of these ‘space savers’ several days in advance of the parade was causing increased hazards and potential liabilities for people visiting the Palisades Village, specifically for those in wheelchairs, with strollers, or the elderly. The time agreed upon by these parties, 6 p.m. the night before the parade, was determined after lengthy discussions. ‘Be aware that Street Services will remove all obstructions placed on City property prior to the agreed upon time whether they are attached (chained, tied or roped) to any public object or not. All confiscated items will be available for pick-up on or after July 7 at 1479 Stoner Ave., West Los Angeles with valid I.D. and only after an appointment with the inspector has been obtained. If your items are confiscated, please contact the inspector at 575-8479 during regular business hours. Any items not picked up by July 30 will be destroyed.’
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