By SARAH SHMERLING | Editor-in-Chief
From Alcima Avenue to Via De La Paz, the Palisades-wide teddy bear hunt is on.
Inspired by Cheryl Knapp, who has lived in Pacific Palisades for 26 years, members of the community are placing teddy bears in the window, encouraging kids to spot them while out walking with their families.
“I had seen several references to it being done over the U.S. and Europe,” Knapp shared, “and I thought, ‘This is the cutest idea.’”
She explained that the idea originated from Michael Rosen’s children’s book “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt,” which has inspired “bear hunts” across the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic. Stuffed animals are being placed in windows, front yards and on mailboxes.
Knapp said that she had a feeling that members of the community wanted to do something positive, especially while she is staying home and taking care of her husband’s 88-year-old aunt.
“I can’t do anything outside of our own walls,” Knapp said. “This is a small thing, but such a satisfying thing to do.”
Dozens of Palisadians from all neighborhoods quickly followed suit, with homes on De Pauw Street, Bestor Boulevard, Toyopa Drive and many more participating.
Knapp added that she is putting her grandma energy into bringing smiles to the kids in the neighborhood, while she practices social distancing from her own 1-year-old granddaughter. She shared that it has been fun and that Palisadians have been grateful.
“I think honestly everyone is having so much fun, especially some of us that are grandmas,” Knapp said. “I think it gives people a little something to do, a sense of oh, I’m doing something positive.”
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