David Tishbi, internationally recognized jewelry designer and entrepreneur, premiered his new Flash Gallery in Pacific Palisades in June. The store is officially open. The official grand opening party is on June 26, starting at 4 p.m. There will be wine and cheese and tasty treats for all guests.
At the grand opening, you can get a first look at this innovative, new gallery and designer platform, which gives visitors a unique peak at amazing collections of hand-selected jewelry.
All visitors can enter to win an exclusive David Tishbi ring (a fan favorite). A portion of each sale from the event’s proceeds will benefit City of Hope Children’s Hospital.
With its unique gallery platform, selected jewelry collections will be rotated every eight weeks. Current featured designers are: Rebecca Overmann, Samira 13, Alberian & Aulde, Anna Ruth Henriques, Ayala Bar, Rebecca Lankford and David Tishbi.
Flash Gallery, 860 Via De La Paz A5, (310) 454-5600, flash90272@gmail.com.
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