Local scouts from Troop 223 share their experience on recent Good Turn Trips.
Francesca Corbell | Phoenix Patrol
The Phoenix Patrol Good Turn Trip was on Saturday, February 25th from 10:00-1:00. It took place at my house. Our patrol was originally going to do a Beach Cleanup, but it was raining on the day that we were going to go, so we decided to change it.
When everyone came, we started baking the cookies from the dough I had made the night before. Then, we put the cookies in bags and wrote thank you notes.
Next, we went around my neighborhood and sold the cookies and gave them a thank you note if they bought a bag or two. When we ran out of cookies, we went back to my house and watched an episode of a tv show and had lunch.
In total, we raised 80 dollars to donate to help the victims of an earthquake in Turkey. The desired outcome was achieved because we all bonded with the newest member of our patrol and bonded even more as a patrol.
We learned a little about marketing and how to pitch the cookies. Overall, we all learned something new and had a lot of fun!
Ian Johantgen | Beaver Patrol
My name is Ian Johantgen and I am the current Patrol Leader of the Beavers Patrol in Troop 223 in the Pacific Palisades.
Each Troop 223 patrol schedules three trips throughout the term: a Good Turn Trip, a Career Trip, and a Fun Trip. This term, the Beavers’ Good Turn Trip was one that required planning, execution, and most importantly, empathy.
Our patrol decided on making meals for the homeless that are served at the Union Rescue Mission in Downtown Los Angeles, near Skid Row. We planned what to include in our meals, chose nutritious food, and sought packaging with minimal environmental impacts, while adhering to our budget for our good turn trip.
Our good turn trip meant a lot to us because we wanted to reach people in a meaningful way. We wanted to take part in something with an immediate impact to those most in need.
Our small patrol made 100 meals in under two hours. The next morning, we drove and delivered the meals to the Union Rescue Mission in Downtown Los Angeles. We were greeted with much enthusiasm and gratitude. It felt great to make meals for those in need.
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