Last Sunday, December 28, Daniel Leff was interrupted from his carwashing business by two men in their 20s, who accosted him while he was walking from a customer’s house in the 700 block of Haverford. According to the LAPD report, the armed robbery occurred at 3 p.m. Leff has several customers in the 600 to 700 blocks of Haverford. He washed cars at their homes and was walking from one house to another, carrying his bucket of tools, when two African-American men accosted him two doors north of Carthage on the west side of Haverford. One of the suspects asked Leff for the time and then told him that he was robbing him. The other suspect produced what appeared to be the barrel of a gun from under his clothing. Leff handed over $125 in cash and the suspects fled on foot. According to Haverford resident Warren Cereghino, Leff lamented that “what really hurts is that I’m poor.” The remark inspired Cereghino to go door to door to raise money to help out. Nine Haverford residents collected $140 to cover Leff’s loss. An LAPD car from Hollywood Division arrived an hour after the incident to complete the report,” said Senior Lead Officer Chris Ragsdale, adding that the car assigned to Pacific Palisades and Brentwood was unavailable. “We believe it is an isolated, random incident,” said Ragsdale, who added that the incident had no connection to the armed robbery in the lower El Medio area last month, nor any other reported street crimes.
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