By ELINA VOURAKIS | Junior Reporter | Fourth Grade
Hi! My name is Elina Vourakis, and the most memorable thing I did this summer was spend a week with my cousin, Emme, at her house in San Diego. I was really excited to go because my cousin is about three months younger than me, so we have similar interests and get along really well.
In the mornings, we went to beach camp until 3:00. We went surfing, and I stood up on the board a lot. It felt as if I were flying! The best part is that when we weren’t surfing, we got to play in the ocean or the sand. Emme and I loved catching sand crabs. There are so many in San Diego! I once caught one about the size of a computer mouse! It tickled me so much that I had to put it back in the water!
On Thursday evening that week, we saw The Lion King, a musical. Our seats were so close to the stage that we could see everything. I thought the music was beautiful, and it was cool how if you had an aisle seat, the animal characters would literally walk right by you during the performance. If you ever want to see a musical, you should go to The Lion King.
We also went to a sushi restaurant, and I ordered ramen. I couldn’t finish it because it was a GIANT bowl! I couldn’t believe how big and delicious it was! I also tried a type of Japanese soda where you push a little marble in the drink to open it. The taste sparked in my mouth. It was really good.
The rest of the days of the week, we played with Emme’s dog Holly and made bracelets. Right now, I still have my bracelet I made at her house on!
After I spent a week at her house, she came to my house for a week in LA. We went to Tumbleweed, where we did archery, swim, rock climbing, and more! When we got home, we baked cupcakes. They were pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. We ate all of them in only two days!
I was sad when she left, but then I came to realize that we can do this again next summer! I feel lucky to have Emme so close and that we love spending time together!
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