Hiker Rescue | Topanga State Park
One adult female hiker, who was reported to be in fair condition with unspecified injuries, was rescued from the Santa Monica Mountains on Saturday, September 26, around 5:45 p.m. after a one-hour rescue mission, according to LAFD spokesperson Brian Humphrey.
The hiker was reportedly injured after a 20-foot fall into a ravine near Santa Ynez Canyon Trail in Topanga State Park. She was “safely hoisted aboard a hovering LAFD rescue helicopter” and received “in-flight care during a direct flight to a nearby trauma center,” Humphrey wrote.
Flu Vaccines | Pacific Palisades
Flu vaccines at no charge will be distributed at the Pacific Palisades Woman’s Club, located at 901 Haverford Ave., on Saturday, October 17, between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. by County of Los Angeles Public Health.
“Flu vaccines are for everyone six months and older,” according to a flyer about the distribution. “Call your doctor before getting vaccinated if you have a severe egg allergy or are sick the day of the clinic.”
Public Health “encourages everyone to protect themselves from the flu by getting a flu immunization” and that “it is highly likely that both flu and COVID-19 will be present in LA County this year.”
Vamos Vegan Sukkot Zoom Party | Pacific Palisades
Alicia Albek, Marquez Knolls resident and founder of Vamos Vegan, is hosting a Zoom party celebrating Sukkot with Jewish Veg LA Chapter on Sunday, October 4, starting at 6:30 p.m.
“Bring your own food and drink and join us via Zoom to share together history, stories and memories of Sukkot,” Albek wrote in a flyer ahead of the event.
Albek, who has been a vegetarian for more than 36 years, founded a vegan support and educational group nearly five years ago—around the time she switched to veganism.
A Zoom link will be provided upon email. RSVPs should be sent to vamosvegan@gmail.com.
PPCC Accepting Area, At-Large Alternate Representative Applications | Pacific Palisades
The Pacific Palisades Community Council continues to accept applications from residents and other eligible persons to fill area and at-large alternate representative positions for 2020-22.
“There are eight primary area representatives and one at-large representative on the PPCC Board of Directors,” PPCC reported. “The primary representatives are elected by the community, while the alternate representatives must apply and are elected by the Board.”
Up to two alternate representatives (1st and 2nd alternates) will be chosen for each seat. Both the alternate and primary representatives serve a two-year term, which begins in October.
Applications for all alternate positions must be received by 5 p.m. on Sunday, October 18. For more information, visit pacpalicc.org.
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