Hiker Rescue | Santa Monica Mountains
A ground and air response by Los Angeles Fire Department was set in motion on Thursday, October 22, around 1:50 p.m. in response to an adult female hiker who suffered an apparent ankle fracture after falling approximately 40 feet from the trail into a ravine, according to LAFD Spokesperson Brian Humphrey.
The hiker was located in a “remote section” of the Temescal Canyon Trail, just south of the waterfall, the report continued.
“A hovering LAFD rescue helicopter will hoist the injured woman aboard and provide in-flight care during direct transport to an area hospital,” Humphrey concluded in the alert.
Area, At-Large Alternates | PPCC
During the Thursday, October 22, Pacific Palisades Community Council meeting, which took place via Zoom due to COVID-19, the Three Chairs Committee announced its nominees for alternate area and at-large representative positions.
Brief biographies were read by Chair Emeritus Maryam Zar, and then the board unanimously elected the slate.
“We welcome the new alternates to the PPCC Board,” a representative from the council wrote in a follow up email.
For a full list of alternates, who will serve for two years through 2022, visit pacpalicc.org. —SARAH SHMERLING
Census Update | Pacific Palisades
At the end of data collection for the 2020 Census, 99.9% of housing units and addresses had been accounted for throughout California, according to a report released by Census officials.
According to a chart released by United States Census 2020, 69.6% of housing units self-responded and 30.3% were accounted for through Nonresponse Followup.
“The U.S. Constitution mandates a census of the population every 10 years,” according to a statement. “The 2020 Census counts everyone living in the United States as of April 1, 2020. In addition to determining the number of seats each state holds in the U.S. House of Representatives, census results inform how hundreds of billions of dollars in federal funds will be allocated for the next 10 years for critical public services and infrastructure like emergency response, fire departments, schools, hospitals, roads and bridges.”
Yearbook Seeks Photos | Pali High
The Palisades Charter High School yearbook team is seeking photo submissions.
“Email your school-appropriate photos of your students to the yearbook email 2021yearbook@pchs.palihigh.org to have them featured in the book,” an email explains.
For group photos taken after stay at home orders went into place, yearbook organizers ask to make sure that masks are being worn and that everyone is adhering to CDC guidelines.
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