PPCC Passes Two Motions | Pacific Palisades
At its most recent virtual board meeting on January 28, Pacific Palisades Community Council passed two motions that had been recommended by leadership of the Westside Regional Alliance of Councils.
Board members voted to oppose Senate Bill 9 (Toni Atkins) and support CF 21-0002-S18 (Councilmember Paul Koretz), as well as oppose Senate Bill 10 (Scott Wiener) and support CF 21-0002-S121 (Koretz).
“In brief, these bills would effectively eliminate single-family zoning and fail to protect our Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone (VHFHZ) and Coastal Zone,” according to information provided from the board following the meeting. “Once these motions are adopted by the requisite number of WRAC member councils, they will become official WRAC positions and will be advocated as such to relevant government officials.”
To see the motions, visit pacpalicc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/WRAC-Motion-SB-9-10-PPCC.pdf; for additional background information, visit westsidecouncils.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Background-re-SB-9-and-10.pdf.
Hiker Rescues | Pacific Palisades
Los Angeles Fire Department completed two hiker rescues within the last week.
LAFD Air Ops conducted a hoist operation on Wednesday, January 27, for an approximately 30-year-old male patient in medical distress near 15600 Sunset Blvd. around 10:30 a.m., according to spokesperson Margaret Stewart.
“Due to the difficult and steep terrain, a hoist operation was performed, followed by air ambulance … ” Stewart continued.
The hiker was transported to the nearest appropriate medical facility.
On January 30 at approximately 6 p.m., LAFD Air Ops conducted a hoist operation near Surfview Drive to “safely retrieve a hiker in distress” and relocated “him to a place for return to his ground transportation,” according to Stewart.
At the time, the hiker was reported to be lost and disoriented, but uninjured.
Art Association Accepting Donations | Pacific Palisades
Pacific Palisades Art Association is seeking contributions to cover insurance, PO box fees and 2022 programs, according to an email from President Annette Alexakis.
For those who wish to contribute, donation checks can be mailed to Pacific Palisades Art Association, PO Box 202, 15243 La Cruz Drive, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272.
Due to the pandemic, PPAA programming has largely switched to virtual, with a lecture or demonstration occurring about once per month.
“Thank you so much in advance for your donations,” Alexakis concluded, “and every little will help us build a great program in 2022.”
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