‘The Music of Elton John’ | Pali High
Award-winning pianist Michael Sobie will perform “The Music of Elton John” as a benefit for Palisades Charter High School’s Theatre For Change organization on Sunday, January 29, at 7 p.m. in Mercer Hall.
“Theater For Change is a student-run club that creates theatre-based community service,” according to a program representative. “Funds from this Elton John concert are going toward building a secondary school and medical clinic for children in Mapapa, Zambia.”
Tickets for the event are $5 and can be purchased by visiting go.palihigh.org/gofan.
Open House | Pacific Palisades
Pacific Palisades Presbyterian Church invited the community to a Playdate and Open House event on Sunday, January 29, at 11 a.m.
The event will be held at the Big Yard, and offer bagels and refreshments. It acts as an opportunity for the community to meet Palisades Presbyterian Church’s new Director of Children and Family Ministries Lucy Garcia, as well as Sunday school teachers.
“All families are welcome,” according to an announcement. To RSVP, contact Garcia at lucy@palipres.org.
The Draycott and Margerum Wine Dinner | Palisades Village
The Draycott will host a special wine dinner on Sunday, January 29, at 5:30 p.m.
The $180 experience includes five courses prepared by Chefs Ivo Filho and Josh Mason with wine pairings, a wine discussion with Margerum Wines’ Doug Margerum and the opportunity to purchase Margerum Wines to take home.
The event is for individuals 21 years or older. To reserve, visit resy.com/cities/la/venues/the-draycott/events/the-draycott-x-margerum-wine-dinner-2023-2023-01-29. Full menu and wine pairings can be found at thedraycott.com/menus.
Shabbat at Chabad | Pacific Palisades
Chabad of Pacific Palisades will host a Community Shabbat on Friday, January 27, at 5:30 p.m. The experience will feature a buffet dinner, matzah ball soup and desserts, songs, and a children’s program.
The event is open to the community. To RSVP, visit chabadpalisades.com/sac.
Sages & Seekers | Pali High
Nonprofit Sages & Seekers is coming to Pacific Palisades, to work with sages—adults ages 60 and older—and seekers—students between 15 and 24 years old.
The eight-week intergenerational program, which will meet at Palisades Charter High School, is described as an opportunity to build meaningful relationships.
Sages & Seekers will meet on Monday, January 30, from 2:30 to 4:15 p.m. Subsequent meeting dates are February 6, 13 and 27, and March 6, 13, 20 and 27.
Although, at press time, the program was full, Sages & Seekers had a waitlist for interested parties. For more information or to enroll in the program, visit sagesandseekers.org/enroll or contact rachel@sagesandseekers.org.
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