Follow @PalisadianPostClick here to subscribe! Updated 1:28 p.m., Friday: Power to around 690 customers in the Palisades Highlands went out Wednesday at around 8:30 p.m. and wasn’t fully restored until Thursday night, according to L.A. Department of Water and Power officials. The outage was caused by a problem with the underground circuit system, said MaryAnne Pierson, public information officer for DWP. “[Power] was returned to service at 7 p.m.,” Pierson said. “[The failure] caused a feeder lockout.” Feeder lockouts are implemented in order to avoid further outages. Alex Martinez, an employee at Casa Nostra Restaurant on Palisades Drive, said the restaurant had to close after the power failure. “We delivered the food to table after the blackout but we didn’t receive any new customers,” he said. Generators kicked in to supply power to the restaurant’s refrigeration units, and early Thursday employees worked quickly to recoup in time for their 11 a.m. opening. Pierson said that as crews were working to restore power, the outage might have spread to different areas in the Highlands.
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