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Arbus’ Approach: Up Close and Personal

Diane Arbus famously wrote: ‘A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you the less you know.’ The same might be said about the current ‘Revelations’ exhibition at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. The show gives rise to as many questions as answers regarding the short life (Arbus committed suicide in 1971 at age 48) of this groundbreaking artist who is best known for boldly documenting people on the fringes of society. ”Her equal opportunity lens focused on everything from debutantes to transvestites, side show performers to celebrities, with nudist camp enthusiasts and residents of homes for the mentally disabled also given major play in her work. Arbus’ pictures have the uncanny ability to make ‘normal’ people and scenes seem bizarre and to imbue the unusual with a sense of naturalness and beauty. ”Along with over 200 of her photographs, the diaries, notebooks, cameras and other personal effects of Diane Arbus also are on view in the exhibition. These three so-called libraries provide biographical depth beyond what’s ever been seen before, yet the artist’s presence is most deeply felt in her work, especially the compelling portraiture she created beginning in 1962. ”That was the year Arbus began working with a square format ( 2 1/4-inch twin-lens reflex) camera, leaving behind her 35 mm camera, the favored instrument of most documentary photographers of her era. The artist was seeking greater clarity in her images’she’d had a period of producing grainy ‘grab and shoot’ street photography’as well as fulfilling a desire to have a more direct relationship with the people she was photographing. ” The new camera, held at the waist, required Arbus to carefully frame her subject by looking down into the view finder. The method necessitated the cooperation of her subjects, many of whom became friends. Unlike rectangular images, which lend themselves to narrative interpretations, these new square portraits took on a formal, even classical quality. ”’They’re highly iconic and emblematic,’ says Robert Sobieszek, curator of photography at LACMA. ‘She photographed real people at a specific time and place, but made them into types. The guy in hair curlers becomes every cross dresser, the Jewish giant represents all giants.”’ ”These potent, unflinching portraits’particularly of ‘freaks’ and others outside society’s mainstream’are reflections, too, of Arbus’ own psychological frailty. ” ”’Diane Arbus Revelations’ continues at LACMA through May 31. Tickets are required. Contact: (323) 857-6000.

Editor’s Eye Makes ‘Queer Eye’ a Success

Native Palisadian Brad Holmes, third from right, is the editor of “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” (Bravo, Tuesdays, 10 p.m.), and is shown here with the Fab Five: (left to right) fashion maven Carson Kressley; culture expert Jai Rodriguez; interior designer Thom Filicia; food and wine expert Ted Allen; and grooming guru Kyan Douglas.

Last April, New York City television editor Brad Holmes took a job that was supposed to last four months while he waited to start the master’s program in environmental policy at Columbia’s School of International Public Affairs in the fall. He was thrilled about starting school and possibly making environmental documentaries. But the temporary job exploded into the national phenomenon ‘Queer Eye for the Straight Guy’ which premiered last July. When Holmes had to write a letter to Columbia asking for a deferment, he wondered how he would explain he was working on this show. The administrator for Columbia called and said, ‘Of course you can defer. I love the show.’ Holmes, a Palisades native, is now senior editor for the Bravo series, and still hasn’t decided whether he’ll enter Columbia in the fall. ‘I’m still enjoying working on the show,’ he says. The program features the Fab Five’gay experts in fashion, grooming, interior design, food and wine and culture’who help make over a straight guy who needs help in these areas. The combination of entertainment, humor and useful information has made the show more successful than anyone anticipated. ‘I saw the pilot and thought it was hilarious, but had no idea how successful it would be,’ Holmes said in an interview by phone from his editing studio in Soho. Each episode (airing Tuesdays 10 p.m. on Bravo) is built around the personality of the straight guy, and the gay experts incorporate his interests and personality into the makeover. The hour-long show culminates with an event’such as a party or romantic dinner’where the straight guy reveals his new look and tries to incorporate all the information he’s learned. Holmes begins with about 25 to 30 hours of multi-camera footage for each episode, which is cut down to an hour in length, a process that takes about five weeks. The five experts are not actors. ‘The idea is to keep the show as organic as possible,’ Holmes said. ‘The show feels relaxed, it doesn’t feel rehearsed. It’s a big whirlwind when the five superheroes descend on the straight guy. It’s amazing the response. He gets a lot out of it. A few tears have been known to happen.’ The show has no script, so Holmes’ role as film editor becomes very important. ‘You get to create [your own] beginning, middle and end.’ The process begins with casting the straight guy, who should be fun and outgoing and have a good story to tell. Holmes divides the show into five acts. In the first 10 minutes, the Fab Five burst into the straight guy’s apartment, tear it apart and deconstruct the guy and his lifestyle. In the show’s signature style, each expert is caught in a freeze frame, then reintroduced with a graphic stating his name and expertise. Finding the right moment to freeze each expert is a challenge, but it usually pays off with a punchline’humor is a big part of the Fab Five’s style. In the second act, the Fab Five take the guy shopping in the New York City area, where the show is filmed, and meanwhile redo his house or apartment. Although the actual filming takes place over four days, it’s made to look as if it all happens in one day. In the third act, the man sees his new house and gets lessons. Chef Ted explains how to cook a simple dish, with the idea that viewers at home can learn from it, too. ‘You can watch it once, go into the kitchen and make it,’ Holmes said. Fashion expert Carson has the man model his new outfits and explains why they fit him well and were chosen. Grooming expert Kyan shows him how to use a new skin or hair product. ‘By this point, the straight guy is bombarded with information and completely overwhelmed,’ says Holmes, 31, who admits he has learned quite a bit about style, interior design and food from watching all the footage. The Fab Five then leave, and the man is ‘left on his own to fend for himself.’ In the fourth act, the man cooks, gets dressed and prepares for the evening’s event. Meanwhile the Fab Five watch along on video and comment on the inevitable mistakes and mishaps. In the final act, the big event happens. ‘It’s very hands off; what’s going to happen, happens,’ Holmes says. Some men are able to apply all the information better than others. In one of Holmes’s favorite episodes, Alan Cory was introducing his girlfriend’s parents to his parents. ‘He poured the drinks way too strong, and he used a sweaty rag to clean a plate. It was hilarious, very organic mishaps that were really fun.’ Casting was difficult in the first season, Holmes recalls. ‘There was a lot of hesitation for straight guys. Once the show took off, it wasn’t hard.’ Holmes calls the success of the show a ‘surreal experience. The timing of the show and the popularity of the show really coincide with gay issues in the country. Gay marriage and gay rights are becoming more mainstream. I’ve had grandmothers stop me and tell me they love the show.’ Holmes attended St. Matthew’s and Loyola High School before getting his college degree from the University of Colorado at Boulder. After college, he moved back to L.A. and started as a low-level runner for a movie trailer house. He stayed after work and taught himself how to use the editing machines, which led to his next job as assistant editor at a documentary company. He later became an editor working on hour-long shows for the History Channel, Discovery and A&E. He moved to New York’s West Village in 2000 and began working on MTV and VH1 music videos, programming and ‘Real World’ specials. ‘I learned how to do unscripted shows, which is a very different kind of editing.’ Currently, his editing job requires 12- to 13-hour days working along with three other editors. As for the stars of the show, he says ‘they’re all genuine, caring people and funny. That’s really who they are. There’s just a presence about the five of them that’s addictive.’ Holmes has even got his older brother Kevin, a composer, involved in the show, creating music for many of the episodes. Kevin, who lives in Silver Lake, talks to Brad on the phone and the two will discuss the particular episode and Kevin will come up with music themes to fit. ‘We get a dossier for each straight guy’his interests, his house, what his issues are, so to speak. We look at what his tastes are, try to figure out what the vibe of the show would be and make tracks for each guy,’ says Kevin, 38. As for Brad, he says ‘I’m drawn towards the reality format, non-fiction, but I am also very curious about doing features and scripted dramas.’ He’s also interested in moving into directing and has already completed an hour-long documentary on past-life therapy. Next month he will be directing an episode of ‘Queer Eye,’ which he will also be editing, with the goal of eventually move into directing permanently. No matter what he decides to do about studying environmental policy in graduate school, Holmes would like to someday find a way to combine his interests in the environment and filmmaking.

Fisher Takes Comedic Turn in ‘Laws’

Palisadian Frances Fisher plays Sara Miller in 'Laws of Attraction,' opening Friday.  Photo: 2004 Bernard Walsh/New Line Productions
Palisadian Frances Fisher plays Sara Miller in ‘Laws of Attraction,’ opening Friday. Photo: 2004 Bernard Walsh/New Line Productions

As a child, Frances Fisher didn’t have the acting bug. Not until after high school, when she was working as a secretary at Firestone Synthetic Rubber and Latex Company in Orange, Texas, and played the ingenue Nellie in a community theater production of Tenessee Williams’ ‘Summer and Smoke,’ did the bug bite her. ”’I found it was much more fun to go work in the theater every evening than typing and filing and trying to pretend I knew how to take shorthand,’ Fisher says. ”She was inspired to become a theater professional by John Holland, a New York actor who had retired to Texas and who encouraged her. ‘If it hadn’t been for him, God knows where I’d be, but I don’t know if I would have become an actress. I realize how important the things adults say to children or young people and how it can change the course of their lives,’ says Fisher, a Palisades resident whose latest movie is New Line’s ‘Laws of Attraction’ with Julianne Moore and Pierce Brosnan. The movie, directed by Peter Howitt, opens Friday nationwide. ”In the film, Fisher plays the comedic role of Sara Miller, the mother of Ashley, the uptight lawyer played by Julianne Moore. Sara is a youthful, fun woman who looks like a contemporary of her daughter and is much more adventurous and free-spirited. ‘I love her spirit and her optimism,’ says Fisher. ‘She’s lived, she’s made mistakes, she’s moving forward, she’s not done in her 50s.’ ”In terms of casting, Fisher says she and Moore didn’t have any qualms about the fact that biologically Fisher’s not old enough to be Moore’s mother. In fact, Sara has Botox and plastic surgery to look as young as her daughter, which led to one of Fisher’s favorite lines in the film: when Brosnan’s character, lawyer Daniel Rafferty, asks Sara, ‘Are you really 56?’ she replies, ‘Parts of me are.’ ”In real life, Fisher, 51, lives in the Huntington Palisades with her 10-year-old daughter Franny. Franny’s father is Clint Eastwood, whom she sees often; she and her mother recently spent the Easter holidays with him. ‘We’re doing the modern nuclear family kind of life,’ Fisher says. ”Fisher, who is well known for her dramatic roles in films such as ‘Titanic,’ where she played the mother of Rose (Kate Winslet), ‘True Crime’ and ‘Unforgiven,’ says of ‘Laws of Attraction’: ‘I’m hoping it’s a movie that sticks around for a while so people can see I am funny.’ Other recent credits include ‘The House of Sand and Fog,’ ‘Blue Car’ and ‘The Lyon’s Den’ TV series. ”After leaving Texas at the age of 20, Fisher worked as an apprentice at the Barter Theatre in Abingdon, Virginia, which involved building and painting sets, sewing costumes, running props and lights and helping the director. ”One of the actresses she was cueing had a 3-year-old daughter and invited Fisher to come to New York City to study acting. ‘I found myself living in the maid’s room on Park Avenue, taking care of a little girl and taking classes during my down time.’ After that job ended, Fisher continued taking classes and acting in off-off-Broadway productions while tending bar to support herself. She broke into television doing commercials, then was able to quit her bartending job when she auditioned for her first soap opera and got the part of Deborah Saxon on ‘The Edge of Night.’ ”After the bohemian artist in her felt like she was getting ‘too settled,’ she quit the soap after four seasons and immersed herself in theater, studying with Stella Adler, and with Lee Strasberg at the Actors Studio. ”’I think being trained in the theater was really the right path for me. I had some great teachers who just drilled into us: You have to really be there to represent the playwright’s thoughts and ideas; it’s not about showing off or being an exhibitionist for your own purposes.’ ”Fisher entered the film world through director Henry Jaglom, working as a production manager one of his movies. He later cast her in some of his improvisational films, including ‘Babyfever’ and ‘Can She Bake a Cherry Pie?’ Her first big-paying job in film came when Norman Mailer cast her as a former porn star who went into real estate in Santa Barbara for his film ‘Tough Guys Don’t Dance.’ ”’I made more money in six weeks doing that movie than I had earned in a year doing theater. I thought maybe I should focus on film, so I could continue supporting my theater habit,’ Fisher says. ”’At 36, I came out to Los Angeles because I wanted to get myself into the film business, not realizing that 36 is a very ripe age in the eyes of people in the industry. But my mind didn’t work that way; it still doesn’t because I’m theater-trained, and I just see that I’m going to work forever.’ ”Fisher moved to the Palisades in 1996, looking for a place with a good school system to raise her daughter. ‘I looked everywhere from Malibu to Beverly Hills, then I discovered the Huntington. I kept focusing on one house and ‘I thought, man if I could have a house like that it would be perfect.’ It turned out that the house was for sale but had no for-sale sign. A realtor told her about it after she had looked at 40 houses. ‘It was so meant to be.’ ”She was also attracted to the community after coming to visit a friend for the Fourth of July parade. ‘The Fourth of July sold me. I felt as if I had gone back in time. I also love the Sunday farmers’ market. I think it’s a wonderful way not only to get fresh produce but to socialize and see each other,’ says Fisher, who also wouldn’t mind seeing a first-run movie theater in town. ”Fisher has been a judge at the town’s annual Youth Pageant the last two years. ‘I love being part of the pageant every year. It gives me hope for the future of young people.’ ”When asked about her advice for young people interested in acting, Fisher responds: ‘The advice I always give is that if you could think of anything else you might be interested in, pursue that also, because it takes so much willpower, dedication and perseverance to continue in this business. There are a few people who get lucky early, but to stay in the game takes a lot. ”’If you have a proclivity for loving acting, being creative and enjoying the process, you’re a good candidate for being in this business. If you’re there to become famous’get realistic, do something that feeds your soul, not your ego.’ ”Fisher has been showing her daughter old movies to give her a sense of show business history. ‘We’re on a Marilyn Monroe kick; she was a wonderful comedic actress.’ Franny attends public school here and has acted in local Theatre Palisades Kids productions as well as professionally. ”In addition to her work on television and in big-budget movies, Fisher continues to work in theater and on independent films. ‘It’s frustrating when you put your time and energy into something and nobody sees it,’ she says of her work on the 2002 feature ‘The Rising Place.’ ‘It fell through the cracks; it wasn’t edgy enough for film festivals, people didn’t want to see things with serious themes [treated] in a soft, gentle way.’ ”Fisher just wrapped the film ‘Mrs. Harris,’ which deals with the true-life story of Jean Harris (Annette Bening), who killed her former lover Dr. Herman Tarnower (Sir Ben Kingsley), the Scarsdale Diet author, in the 1980s. It was written and directed by Phyllis Nagy. ‘It was wonderful being on set with her,’ Fisher says. As a theater director, Nagy rehearsed the cast extensively. ‘We’d do things in two different takes and move on.’ This past week, Fisher and Franny traveled to Washington, D.C., to take part in the women’s march on Washington for reproductive rights. She is also a board member for the Screen Actors Guild, the Environmental Media Association, the Sherman Oaks Hospital Foundation, and she is a member of The Mother’s Council, whose goal is to create and sustain a culture in which all children flourish.

Will Rogers Family Roll Up Sleeves

Local historian Randy Young who, along with half a dozen volunteers, stripped the interior of the 19 horse stalls in the main stable at Will Rogers last Thursday. He is pointing to one of the two remaining wrought iron horse ties that remain in the stable.
Local historian Randy Young who, along with half a dozen volunteers, stripped the interior of the 19 horse stalls in the main stable at Will Rogers last Thursday. He is pointing to one of the two remaining wrought iron horse ties that remain in the stable.
Photo by Linda Renaud

Work on the $5.5-million restoration of Will Rogers State Historic Park, which up until recently proceeded at a snail’s pace for over a year due to changes in park management and bureaucratic delays, has finally jumped into high gear. While steady progress is being made in solving the park’s main problem’lack of proper drainage, which has plagued the 186-acre site since it was built in 1928’the real action last Thursday was taking place in the main stable. Half a dozen volunteers stripped the interiors of the 19 horse stalls, ripping off ‘anything that is not authentic, like the kick boards and plastic food bins,’ explained Randy Young, president of the Will Rogers Cooperative Association. Young’s helpers on Earth Day included three members of the Rogers family, each representing different generations: Judy, widow of Jim, the youngest of Will and Betty Rogers’s three children; Charlie, Jim’s middle child, who flew in from Arizona for the day, and Jennifer Rogers Etcheverry, one of Will Rogers six great-grandchildren. The volunteer work day was her idea. ‘After sitting through so many meetings in recent months I started thinking: ‘What could we do to speed up the renovation process?’ Well, we could certainly roll up our sleeves, which is something my great-grandfather would have done. He wasn’t afraid to get his hands dirty.’ Etcheverry, who lives with her husband and two children on an almond farm in Bakersfield, remembers coming to the ranch as a child. ‘We had family picnics on the lawn and watched the polo matches.’ Now she visits at least once a month to help out. Her job last Thursday was to remove nails from the pine boards, which will be recycled and used to build a barn dedicated to her grandfather, Jim. It will be located 100 yards from the main stable. ‘I think people need to know that the still family cares, a lot,’ said Etcheverry, 38, putting on her work gloves. ‘How are our children going to find out about Will Rogers? We have a chance to teach them right here at the ranch.’ Work on the Jim Rogers barn, a 16,000-sq.-ft. rectangular structure which will have six horse stalls, will begin in June with ‘an old-fashioned barnraising,’ Young said. ‘We want everyone in the Palisades to help by hammering in a nail so that they will feel a part of what is going on here at the ranch.’ Nearly a decade after Will Rogers died in a 1935 plane crash his wife Betty donated their ranch to the state with the proviso that should the property not be properly maintained it would revert back to the family. The dedication took place in August 1944 with Will Rogers’ favorite horse, Soapsuds, part of the ceremonies. Soapsuds is now buried on the lawn in front of the stable and all the horses are gone. Two years ago the commercial boarding operation was closed down, following allegations that it had become the private domain of a lucky few and that the runoff waste from the stable was polluting Rustic Creek below the park.

Palisades American Legion Post to Host Special WWII Event May 29

By BILL BRANCH Special to the Palisadian-Post This Memorial Day, May 29, on the Mall in Washington, D.C., dedication of the World War II Memorial will take place. The memorial will honor the 16 million American servicemen and women who served and fought and those who died in the war to secure democracy and liberate the oppressed. Knowing that not every Palisades WWII veteran could possibly go to Washington, American Legion Post 283 will host a corresponding event on that Saturday to honor Westside veterans and to observe the memorial dedication. The event on La Cruz will provide a venue for members of the WWII generation to gather together, record oral histories, share war stories, and enjoy WWII music. Prizes will be awarded to WWII veterans who wear their uniforms and are judged a ‘best fit.’ In addition, Palisades author Ken Wales will discuss his latest book ‘Sea of Glory,’ based on the true story of the four military chaplains who sacrificed their lives during the sinking of the USAT Dorchester in WWII. The festivities will begin at 11 a.m. on May 29 with a specially-produced satellite broadcast of the Washington dedication ceremony. At noon, Post 283 will host a patriotic program and luncheon, followed by the continuation of the satellite broadcast. Veterans who wish to attend or would like a Certificate of Appreciation should write to the American Legion at 15247 La Cruz Drive, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 and provide their name, address, phone number, branch and years of service, and whether or not they can attend.

Skinner Receives ‘Citizen’ Honors Tonight

During opening ceremonies for the Palisades Pony Baseball Association’s golden anniversary season in March, Mike Skinner was presented with a crystal ball. Hand-carved on the stand was the phrase: ‘If you build it, they will play.’ That was Skinner’s motto during his five-year quest to have a state-of-the-art ‘Field of Dreams’ constructed at Palisades Recreation Center, and his untiring devotion to the renovation project, completed last November, is the reason he will be honored by the Palisadian-Post as Citizen of the Year tonight at the Riviera Country Club. ‘We gave him the job. He took it, he lived it and he made it a reality,’ 14-year PPBA Commissioner Bob Benton said of Skinner’s dedication to the project. ‘None of what we see here now would have been possible without him.’ In addition to PPBA, the facility will be used for other sports, like AYSO soccer and flag football. Long after the project has been completed, Skinner is still hard at work raising money for the facility’s ongoing maintenance fund. In all, about $1,000,000 has now been raised. ‘This has been a community-wide effort,’ Skinner said. ‘A lot of people stepped up to the plate with generous donations to make this happen.’ A longtime youth coach and former chairman of the Park Advisory Board, Skinner was responsible for getting approval first from the Palisades Community Council, then from City Councilwoman Cindy Miscikowski, the Department of Recreation and Parks and finally the California Coastal Commission. Once the Community Council overwhelmingly approved the upgrade project (and a skatepark proposal) in May 2000, Skinner’s first priority was to convince residents near the Rec Center that renovating the fields would not adversely affect them. He did so by being organized, providing a scale model and computer-generated images of what the fields would look like upon completion, attending every public meeting and including in his proposal landscaping plans, sound mitigation and reduced light reflection. ‘This is a win-win situation for everybody’the kids, the parents, the park itself, the community as a whole and the neighbors,’ Skinner said to concerned homeowners at a public meeting in May 2002. ‘The fields will look great, they will be safer, the noise level will be reduced and the glare from the lights will be far less than it is right now. Also, construction will be limited to the summertime. You won’t see tractors and trucks cluttering the parking lot for six months.’ Skinner’s next hurdle was finding a suitable contractor. Again, his thoroughness payed off. He and Brian Sullivan ultimately chose Athletic Turfs, Inc.’the same firm that built a baseball diamond on the cornfield in Iowa used for the movie ‘Field of Dreams’ and worked on several sports facilities in Southern California, including Anaheim Stadium and UCLA’s Jackie Robinson Stadium. Finally, there was the issue of fundraising. Again, Skinner never wavered in his belief in the project, its importance to the community and his faith that the $850,000 needed to complete the work could be raised. He insisted a Donor Wall be constructed to recognize individuals, families, groups or foundations who made financial contributions. In addition to the crystal ball he was given on PPBA Opening Day, Skinner also received a wood bat engraved with ‘A world of thanks.’ Tonight’s dinner is another opportunity for friends and neighbors to thank Skinner for overseeing a project that will benefit the community for generations to come.

Dodgers Tie Tigers in Nine Innings


Dodger Harrison Wollman makes a play at third base in Saturdayýs Mustang Division interleague showdown against the Tigers at Palisades Recreation Centerýs Field of Dreams.
Dodger Harrison Wollman makes a play at third base in Saturdayýs Mustang Division interleague showdown against the Tigers at Palisades Recreation Centerýs Field of Dreams.
Photo by Rich Schmitt, Staff Photographer

In one of the longest and most exciting games so far this season, the Dodgers and Tigers traded leads for two and a half hours before settling for an 11-11 tie Saturday in a battle between first-place teams in the Palisades Pony Baseball Association’s Mustang Division. Bob Jeffers’ National League-leading Dodgers (7-2-1) were ahead 5-3 in the top of the sixth inning when the Tigers plated three runs to even the score. The American League- leading Tigers (8-1-1), coached by Brian Sullivan, took the lead in the top of the seventh, but the Dodgers answered with a run in the bottom of the seventh. Neither team scored in the eighth inning. The Tigers again took the lead with a pair of runs in the top of the ninth inning, but the Dodgers rallied to score two of their own as the game reached its two-and-a-half hour time limit. ‘It was the best game I’ve ever seen played on these fields,’ Jeffers said. ‘Neither side gave an inch, so it was fitting that there was no losing team that day. It was magical in that you had the two league leaders going at it, and the momentum seemed to change every inning. As the home team, the pressure was on us to match whatever they did.’ Saturday’s draw was a rematch of last Wednesday’s series opener, which the Tigers won 11-10 in another seesaw duel. After two games and 15 hard fought innings, only one run separated the two teams and each remained atop its league. Stand outs in the two-game series included Michael Sullivan, Austin Kammel, and Brandon Newman for the Tigers and Charlie Jeffers, Harrison Wollman and Jeremy Cohen for the Dodgers. In other interleague games in Mustang (ages 10-11), the Red Sox and Phillies traded victories, as did the Cardinals and Indians and the Orioles and Braves. The Red Sox (5-5) won 13-10 and lost 3-0 to the Phillies (2-8), remaining three-and-a-half games behind the first-place Tigers in the American League. The Cardinals (5-5) won 4-3 and lost 8-4 to the Indians (3-7) to stay two-and-a-half games behind the Dodgers in the National League while the Braves (5-5) lost 13-1 and won 6-5 against the Orioles (4-6) to stay tied for second place with the Cardinals. Games continue Saturday at Palisades Recreation Center’s Field of Dreams complex. PINTO (ages 7-9) As in the Mustang Division, the Dodgers and Tigers remained in first place atop their respective leagues by splitting a pair of head-to-head meetings in interleague play last week at the Rec Center diamonds. The National League-leading Dodgers (7-3) edged the Tigers, 7-6, in the first game but the American League-leading Tigers (7-3) won the second game 11-7. The Cardinals (5-5) and Indians (6-4) split their two meetings to remain in second place in their divisions. The Cardinals won the first game 12-10 and the Indians rebounded 8-7 in the second. In a matchup between third-place teams, the Red Sox (5-5) swept the Phillies 15-8 and 9-5 to move two games behind the first-place Tigers in the American League. The Orioles (4-6) beat the Braves (2-8) in the first game, 14-10, while the Braves took Saturday’s game 18-5. Games continue Saturday at the Field of Dreams complex. BRONCO (ages 11-13) The Indians remained the only undefeated team in PPBA, improving to 10-0 last week with 6-4 and 1-0 interleague victories last week over the Cardinals. The Red Sox (7-2-1) remained two-and-a-half games back in the American League with 8-6 and 6-2 wins over the Phillies (1-9) and the Dodgers (7-2-1) remained atop the National League with 13-6 and 20-8 triumphs over the Tigers (3-7). In the other series, the Braves (4-5-1) stayed in third in the National League, beating the Orioles (0-9-1) by a 5-2 score in one game. The Orioles played one of their best games of the season in the other meeting, earning a 10-10 tie against their interleague opponent. Games continue this afternoon and Saturday at the Field of Dreams complex.

Lacrosse in Full Swing this Spring

By RHOS B. DYKE Special to the Palisadian-Post One of the fastest growing sports across the nation, lacrosse is becoming a popular sport among youth in Southern California. Though not yet an interscholastic sport, lacrosse has been played in the Palisades for some time by local kids attending Los Angeles-area private schools. This spring, however, the game arrived at Palisades High and could be here to stay. What began with a blank piece of paper at the end of last summer is now the Palisades Lacrosse Club of the Pacific Coast Lacrosse Association (PCLA). The league includes 13 high school varsity level teams, 15 junior varsity squads (including Palisades) and nine middle school clubs, including the Westside Warriors who play at Paul Revere. Palisades’ franchise is off to a 6-2-1 start in it’s inaugural campaign’impressive seeing as only a few of the 20 kids on the team had ever picked up a stick before the season started. Managed by Andrea Dyke and Lori Mendez-Packer and coached by Jeff Hirshberg and Scott Hylen, Palisades upset previously undefeated Malibu, 12-8, Saturday at Stadium by the Sea. The Pali JV club team is led by sophomore attacker Nick Sherman, who scored 33 goals and passed for 11 assists’a total of 44 points’in the team’s first eight games. Sherman, who lives in Mandeville Canyon, leads the league in scoring. Junior midfielder Joe Luckett had 17 goals going into the Malibu game while freshman midfielders Josh Packer and Sutherland Dyke added 15 and 12 points, respectively. Freshman goalie Nico Roe recorded 85 saves in his first six games. Rounding out the squad are midfielders Andre Harris, Colin Vining, Ramsay Potts and Nick Kappeyne; attackers Peter Foster, Max Gross, Max Rosenzweig, Eugene Karachun, Yoni Shoshani and Travis De Zarn; and defenders Josh Sharp, Simon Lewis, Nick Savas, Paul Rago and Rob Seaward. Because lacrosse is not yet a sanctioned CIF sport, kids from any school that doesn’t have a team may play for any club they like, meaning this year’s Pali squad consists mostly of Palisadian boys from St. Monica, Encino Crespi, L.A. Hamilton and Palisades Highs. Pali’s first season began with a 5-3 victory over Beverly Hills on March 3. After nine games, the team’s only losses have come at the hands of league-leading Palos Verdes and an experienced varsity squad from Brentwood School. A 12-4 victory over Harvard-Westlake and Saturday’s win over Malibu have been the standout performances for Pali, which plays its final three games of the season on the road at Chaminade of West Hills, San Gabriel and finally a rematch with Brentwood. Pali hopes to field both a varsity and a junior varsity team in 2005. High school boys interested in playing on the club should contact Andrea Dyke at 230-3298 or Lori Mendez-Packer at 454-0361. For more information, visit the PCLA Web site: www.pacificcoastlacrosse.com.

Erina Digby Reaches Quarterfinals at Ojai

Palisadian Erina Digby advanced to the quarterfinals of the girls’ 18s singles division at the 104th annual Ojai Valley Tennis Tournament last weekend. Digby, a junior at Marlborough, received a first-round bye, then outlasted Keba Baird of Templeton, 4-6, 6-3, 6-1, in the second round. She ousted Maria Malec of Laguna Beach, 6-4, 0-6, 6-0, in the round of 16 before falling to Irvine’s Ashley Williams, 6-3, 7-5, in the quarterfinals. Last fall, Digby led the Mustangs to their third consecutive Sunshine League title and was the league’s undefeated singles champion. In the same division, Palisadian Ashley Alpert got a first-round bye but lost her round of 32 match to Cheyenne Inglis of Encinitas, 6-0, 6-1. The largest and one of the most prestigious amateur tennis events in the United States, Ojai attracts most of the top junior players from Southern California and this year was no exception. In the boys’ 16s singles division, Ariel Oleynik had the misfortune of playing Palisades High teammate Stephen Surjue in the first round and Surjue won, 7-5, 6-1. Surjue lost his second round match to Hunter Lee of Bermuda Dunes, 6-0, 6-1. Two other Palisades High players were in the 64-player draw. Daniel Burge lost his first-round match to Neil Gehlawat of Bakersfield, 6-0, 6-0, while Sepehr Safii, who received a first-round bye, was defeated by Silvio Chiba of Brea, 6-2, 7-6 (8), in the round of 32. After winning the boys’ 16s division last year, PaliHi’s Chris Ko had hopes of doing the same in the boys’ CIF singles division, but the Dolphins’ No. 1 player lost in the first round, 6-2, 7-5, to Sean Tan of Lakewood. Sam Querry of Thousand Oaks won the division with a 6-2, 1-6, 7-6 (5) victory over Kaes Van’t Hof. In the boys’ CIF doubles division, PaliHi’s duo of Darya Bakhtiar and Taylor Robinson played top-seeded Eric Riley and Steven Forman of Torrey Pines in Thursday’s opening round and lost, 6-4, 6-1. PaliHi last won a share of the team title in 2000. In the girls’ 16s, Kelly Stewart, who lives in Malibu but sometimes trains at Palisades Tennis Center, reached the finals, losing to Kristen Flower of Ojai in a tough three-setter, 6-4, 4-6, 6-4. Brittany O’Neil was the lone PaliHi competitor, but she had to default her first-round match. Ex-Palisadian and longtime Ojai participant Sean Brawley vyed for the men’s Open championship, but another player with ties to the Palisades, Michael Joyce, took home the $10,000 winner’s check with a 6-2, 6-3 victory over Travis Rettenmeir in the finals. Joyce trained at Palisades Tennis Center while he was on the pro circuit and participated in a Prince clinic at PTC in 1998. The Ojai was founded in 1896 by NCAA doubles champion William L. Thacher to promote amateur tennis in California. In addition to boys’ and girls’ junior and CIF, the event includes men’s and women’s community college divisions and PAC-10 men’s and women’s championships.

Strassner is Unsung Hero of Pitching Staff


Before the season started, Andrew Strassner was fighting for a spot on the varsity roster. Two and four victories later, he has become one of the most dependable pitchers in the Dolphins’ rotation. ‘I started off the spring playing short stop and I was just going all out to fight for a position on the team,’ said Strassner, a senior who played junior varsity last year. ‘I started putting on size over the summer and I’ve been working out ever since.’ Strassner’s hard work has payed off on the mound and in the clubhouse. ‘I knew our pitching would be good, but I did not think it would be as good as it’s been so far,’ Pali co-coach Tom Seyler said. ‘I knew Geoff [Schwartz] would prove himself as the best in our league. David [Bromberg] and Turhan [Folse] have been great and out of nowhere is Andrew… he’s been phenomenal.’ Heading into Tuesday’s game against Westchester, Strassner had the most wins’four’of all the PaliHi starters. He has allowed the fewest walks of any pitcher on the Dolphins’ staff and his four and two-thirds innings against Venice last week kept Pali in the game until the offense got on track. ‘I’d say the curve ball is my best pitch because I can hit my spots with it,’ Strassner said. ‘After that, I’d say my fast ball.’ So far, Strassner has had the benefit of pitching behind Schwartz, meaning he has already seen opposing batters by the time he faces them’not on the mound, but from the dugout. ‘I’ll make mental notes of who their strong hitters are and what they tend to do. It’s like being able to use Cliffs notes on a test.’ Strassner has done his homework thus far this season, one of the reasons the Dolphins are off to their fast league start. A portent of things to come was his two-hit shutout against Brentwood early in the season, when he faced 23 batters in seven innings’only two over the minimum. At the plate, short stop Dylan Cohen has flourished since joining the lineup, batting a team-high .476. Right behind are designated hitter Alex Thompson, third baseman Manny Perez and right fielder Kevin Seto (all at .429) and second baseman Matt Skolnik at .405. Pali’s other head coach, Kelly Loftus, said hard work and chemistry have been the keys to the team’s success thus far: ‘When you practice hard you get good results and these guys come out and work hard for three hours every day. This team has a lot of harmony. These guys like each other and want each other to succeed.’ Swimming In their final Marine League dual meet of the season, the Dolphins came away with three out of four victories against Venice. Pali’s frosh/soph boys and girls teams and the boys varsity team all won, but the varsity girls suffered their first defeat. Still, Cara Davidoff continued to dominate her events, clocking 1:00.64 to beat defending City champion Nicole O’Keefe in the 100 Butterfly. Freshman Patrice Dodd won both the 100 freestyle and 100 backstroke and sophomore Ted Tomlinson won the 500 Freestyle in a personal-best 5:41. Pali coach Maggie Nance moved four swimmers up top varsity from the frosh/soph squad for yesterday’s league championships’Ashley Baele, Alex Ehrgott, Jody Herman and Julie Wynn. Track & Field Several runners gave notable performances at last Saturday’s Rotary Meet at Birmingham High. Freshman Angela Perry Spahn was fourth in her division of the two-mile in 12:34’a personal record by 42 seconds. Riza Lim won her heat in the 800 meters in a personal-best 2:34, Unique Shanklin ran the event in 2:39 and Elaine Roepke finished in 2:42.9. Tamara Adams ran season-bests in the 100 hurdles (18.4) and 300 hurdles (53.8). For the boys, Jeff Fujimoto ran 18:03 in the 110 high hurdles and Eric Milne ran the two-mile in a personal-best 12:10. In Friday’s dual meet against University, Pali’s frosh/soph girls won 77-27, the frosh/soph boys won 59-45, the varsity girls won 68-50 and the varsity boys lost 80-30. Kristabel Doebel-Hickok remained undefeated in dual meets this season in the 800 meters, winning in 2:42. Boys Volleyball For two games, it looked like Palisades’ hope of sharing the Western League title might be realized. But in the end host University was again too much, defeating the Dolphins 21-25, 20-25, 25-11, 25-16, 15-12 to clinch the league championship. Nash Petrovic had 11 kills for Palisades (8-4, 6-3), which traveled to Venice for its league finale Monday. Boys Tennis Palisades completed a season of domination in the Western League with a 7-0 victory at Venice. Even without No. 1 player Chris Ko in the lineup, the Dolphins won easily over the second-place Gondos. Ben Tom won 6-1, 6-1 at No. 1 singles and Sepehr Safii won by the same score at No. 4 singles. Taylor Robinson and Stephen Surjue won 6-1, 6-3 at No. 1 doubles for Pali. The Dolphins won all 70 matches and all 140 total sets they played in league this season and virtually assured themselves a top three seed in the City playoffs.