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Charter Schools Foundation Gains New Board Members

According to a 2003 statewide Rand evaluation, charter schools’more so than regular public schools’expand family choices, encourage parental involvement, increase teacher satisfaction, and raise academic achievement. ”Mark Snyder, the new chairman of the Palisades Charter Schools Foundation, believes the report is accurate and timely, especially since all seven schools in the foundation (Canyon, Marquez, Topanga, Kenter, Palisades Elementary, Paul Revere, and Palisades High School) are charter schools and are in the process of starting their charter renewals. ”Kathleen Hall-Goldner, a local realtor for Coldwell Banker and the foundation’s new co-chair, concurs with Snyder. Both are Palisades residents, and they recently shared the Foundation’s vision for the remainder of the school year. ”Charter schools were approved in California in 1992 as an alternative to public and private schools, with each school required to renew its charter every five years. ”The Palisades Charter Schools Foundation has stepped forward to host three workshops in March, April and June for parents and teachers from the seven local schools that will focus on the renewal and writing process. The Sacramento law firm of Spector, Middleton, Young & Minney, which has foremost expertise about charter schools in California, has been retained to provide expert assistance in writing the 16 necessary elements required by the state and school district in a school’s charter. ”In addition, the Foundation has hired Excellent Education Development Corporation of Santa Monica, a non-profit corporation whose purpose is to partner with charter schools to prepare review documents that will assess potential revenue and expenses for each individual school, so they can decide if they want to become a directly funded charter school. ”Snyder, who has a Ph.D. in education, has been employed by LAUSD for 25 years and currently works at PaliHi. He was one of the key people responsible for leading the school into fiscal independence a year ago. His son, Michael Brenner, is a freshman at Pali. Mark hopes to encourage each school to be as aggressive in its wish to have the most autonomy possible. To him this means that parents and teachers would work collaboratively to have the power over decisions that determine the education of every student. He feels the more control school leaders have over finances, the more control they have over all aspects of a child’s education. ”Hall-Goldner, who chaired the Foundation’s 10th Anniversary Celebration Concert last spring, feels lucky to have such good neighborhood schools. Her daughter, Elizabeth Hall, attended Kenter Canyon, Paul Revere and PaliHi, and is currently attending George Washington University’s Elliot School of International Affairs in Washington, D.C. ”She and Snyder both believe that the Palisades Charter School Complex is a model for the entire United States. They are unaware of any other school system in the country where a student can start in a charter school at the kindergarten level and remain in a charter system until they graduate from high school. ”’The Complex gives the community enormous ability to partner with their schools,’ Snyder said. ‘Our schools are consistently top ranked in California, and are recognized as distinguished schools. In 2003, nearly all the seniors graduating from Pali went on to college.’ ”As well as steering charter renewal this year, the Foundation also plans to once again support the Lori Petrick Teacher Recognition Award. This program was initiated last year to give a small financial reward to a teacher or teachers chosen for outstanding achievement and inspiration in one of the seven charter schools. Since all educational research has shown that a student’s achievement is tied directly to a teacher’s effectiveness, the Foundation hopes this award will continue to reward teachers that help students achieve their potential. ”In addition, the Foundation plans to help with community awareness. Snyder and Hall-Goldner agree that there is a sense that many of the achievements of some of the charter schools’ students are not being sufficiently highlighted so that kids get their full recognition. In a community that perceives education as a top priority, the co-chairs would like to see outstanding students and programs acknowledged. They’d also like to see more members of the community get involved in partnering in education. ”Along with Snyder and Hall-Goldner, new Foundation officers this year include secretary Sue Pascoe and co-treasurers Mo McGee and Debra Hafford. The Foundation welcomes donations to keep their dream possible: ‘Neighborhood schools helping students achieve to their highest ability.’ Checks can be made out to The Palisades Charter Schools Foundation and mailed to: 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272. ”Contact Mark Snyder at PaliHi: 454-0611, x3090.

Jeff Taylor and Daughter Eulogized

The sanctuary at the Methodist Church on Via de la Paz was filled last Friday afternoon for the memorial service of Jeff Taylor, 36, and his 2-1/2-year-old daughter Bayden, who had lived just down the block. They had died on Monday afternoon when their car inexplicably crashed into an apartment garage behind the church and caught fire. As mourners entered the church, they were greeted by members of the family who showed them to their seats, including Jeff’s older brother Bob, his older sister Cheryl Higgins, and his younger brother Tim, all of whom grew up in the Palisades. On the altar was a poster-size black-and-white photo of the family at Christmas: Colette with her daughter Bayden on her knee, Jeff holding Preston. There was also a large color picture of Jeff and Bayden taken just two weeks before they died, Bayden in a pink party dress being held by her dad at a friend’s birthday party. The service began with a Boy Scout Honor Guard from Troop 223, in honor of Jeff having been an Eagle Scout. ‘While we have come together today in grief and in pain,’ said Reverend Nancy Wilson in her opening remarks, ‘we have also come here today to celebrate the lives of these two wonderful people.’ As ‘Amazing Grace’ was sung by a soloist, young Preston was inconsolable as he cried in his mother’s arms. The eulogy was given by Jeff Taylor’s best friend, Phil Pecsok, who was best man at Taylor’s wedding. Until recently, Taylor worked for Pecsok at NAXCOM, an Internet company that sells sports memorabilia. ‘Jeff was a true Palisadian,’ Pecsok said. ‘Born and raised here, he went to Palisades Elementary, to Village School for a year, to Paul Revere and then Pali High. Jeff and I met almost 30 years ago to this date when we began playing baseball in the Phillies organization at the Recreation Center. Jeff later went to college at San Diego State, where he met Colette. ‘He loved Colette more than anything and his kids were the light in his life. He always thought about them. Five minutes before Jeff died, he drove over to this church where his wife and son were, just so he could drop off a raincoat for Preston and an umbrella for his wife so they wouldn’t get wet walking the four doors back home in the rain. Jeff was Preston’s and Bayden’s hero. He and Preston were inseparable. And with little Bayden, it almost became a joke that she wouldn’t let go of her dad. She adored her dad. I suppose that is why Bayden is with Jeff now. ‘Jeff was a one-of-a-kind individual who touched us all in many ways. But most of all, he made us laugh. I know I will miss his smile, his wit, and his sense of humor. I will miss whiffle ball, over-the-line, baseball games and Little League championships. I will miss poker nights and Vegas trips, chats on the phone and watching ‘Seinfeld’ together. I will miss calling him ‘Tiger.’ I will miss him saying ‘No’ to Sunday golf with me, because Sundays were his family day. But, most of all, I will miss his laughter, his friendship and his love. We all wish this would have happened at 86 instead of 36, but I know I wouldn’t have traded this wonderful, rich, short ride with Jeff for anything in the world. ‘Jeff, my friend, we will never, ever, forget you.’ Bob Taylor, 12 years older than his brother, shared some family memories, and the last conversation he had with Jeff the day before he died. ‘I was on the phone with him on Sunday just before the Oscars, and he said he thought ‘Seabiscuit’ was going to win for Best Picture,’ recalled Bob. ‘Now, if you know Jeff like I do, you’d know that for a moment there he almost had me convinced. But in the end I told him ‘No,’ that I was going to stick with ‘Lord of the Rings.’ I left him a message Monday morning to kid him about it. I’m still waiting for him to call me back…’ Colette Taylor was the last to speak. Saying she was unaccustomed to addressing a crowd, she thanked everyone for coming to the service. ‘I feel your love and your prayers. They help me get through the day. Right now, I’m feeling OK. But it hurts. It hurts a lot.’ [See adjoining story.] There was then a slide presentation of the family’s life together, accompanied by Kenny Rogers’ hit song ‘Through The Years,’ which was Colette’s favorite song. She sang it to Jeff all the time: ”’Through the years ”Through all the good and bad ”I know how much we’ve had ”I’ve always been so glad to be ””with you ”Through the years’ ‘The loss of Jeff and Bayden leaves a passel of questions,’ Reverend Wilson concluded. ‘Why these two people? Why here? Why now? Why was God not in the neighborhood last Monday afternoon? We are left bewildered. And angry. What is the meaning behind this seemingly random sequence of illogical and senseless events? I believe [in this case] God’s own heart was broken.’ Mourners were then invited to a reception at the Bel-Air Bay Club, which was dubbed as a special party for Bayden, ‘for the 3rd birthday [July 2] she is never going to have, and all the other celebrations in her life that will never be,’ said her aunt Cheryl. In the living room of the club, which was decorated with candles and flowers, there was a large cake with dancing princesses on the top. Guests were invited to enjoy the family’s photo albums which were on display. After about an hour everyone gathered on the grass overlooking the ocean in front of the club. They were given a pink or white balloon. Colette was the first to release hers, followed by Preston, and then the guests, 150 balloons in all. ‘It was the most beautiful thing,’ Colette said afterwards. ‘Seeing all those balloons going off towards the sky.’ Preston later asked his mother if she thought the balloons had reached heaven yet. ‘I told him yes, which seemed to please him.’

Ralphs Employees Are Happily Back at Work

Things are back to normal at the Ralphs store on Sunset.
Things are back to normal at the Ralphs store on Sunset.
Photo by Rich Schmitt, Staff Photographer

Since the grocery strike, which affected some 800 Southern California stores, ended just over a week ago it is back to business as usual at Ralphs on Sunset, for both the customers and the workers. Early yesterday morning Jay Lopez could be found taking a detailed inventory of the produce department. As a produce clerk, it is his job to see that there is enough broccoli and ripe bananas on hand for the expected increase in customers over the weekend. He said he welcomes the familiar routine after being locked out for five months. ‘The strike was very hard on many of the workers here,’ said Lopez, who has worked at Ralphs for 14 years, four of them in the Palisades Sunset store. ‘Fortunately, I was able to live on some savings I had put aside to buy a house, as well as the money I was paid for standing in the picket line.’ Lopez, a father of three, said he walked the picket line for the whole five months and has had to put off buying a house ‘for now.’ While he had no comment on the settlement that was finally reached, which calls for a two-tier system which clearly favors veteran workers like him over new hires, his main concern all along was to ‘keep our current health benefits,’ which he basically has. Under the new three-year contract, veteran employees won’t have to pay for their medical coverage in the first two years, but they will now have some co-payments. Also glad to be back at work is Luis Zelaya, who has worked as a produce clerk at the Ralphs store in the Palisades since 1999. As he stocked the shelves on Wednesday morning he said that his family survived the strike by living on credit cards and the weekly stipend ($240 a week for the highest-paid workers) he received while on the picket line. ‘Now I have to work hard to pay all that off,’ said the father of three. Asked what he thought of the new contract, in which new workers will receive substantially less in pay and benefits, he said that although he saw it as a compromise, ‘everyone got something.’ Zelaya and Lopez are among the highest-paid clerks at Ralphs, both earning $17.90 an hour. The first grocery strike in California in 25 years, which started October 11, affected some 70,000 workers from San Diego to Santa Barbara. After union members of the United Food and Commercial Workers at Vons and Pavilions stores went on strike, employees of Albertsons and Ralphs were locked out in a show of union solidarity, as they share the same contract. During the strike Ralphs reduced store hours and hired thousands of replacement workers to man its stores. Locally, some 80 workers were affected by the lockout at Ralphs. Approximately 30 of them found work at Gelson’s, ‘helping out during the Thanksgiving and Christmas rush,’ said store manager Ray Stockton. ‘We’ve now hired five of those Ralph workers on a permanent basis.’

Father and Daughter Die in Crash

Firefighters tackle the blaze that broke out on Monday afternoon behind the Methodist preschool at Bowdoin and Via de la Paz.
Firefighters tackle the blaze that broke out on Monday afternoon behind the Methodist preschool at Bowdoin and Via de la Paz.
Photo by Rich Schmitt, Staff Photographer

On Monday afternoon a tragic and inexplicable accident took the life of Palisadian Jeff Taylor, 36, and his 2-1/2-year- old daughter, Bayden. They died when the SUV Jeff was driving caught fire after becoming embedded inside a garage located across the alley behind the Methodist Church/preschool at Bowdoin and Via de la Paz. Taylor had gone to the school to bring an umbrella to his wife Colette, who was participating in a cooking class with their son Preston, 4-1/2. After Jeff and Bayden left the school they returned to the car which was parked in the Methodist parking lot. For reasons unknown, the car, instead of backing up to exit the lot, lurched forward and rammed through the back stucco wall of the garage, where it came to a crashing halt and burst into flames. Trapped inside the white 2002 Acura MDX 4 with no way to escape, the father and his daughter probably died instantly, firefighters told the Palisadian-Post. ‘It was definitely a flash fire,’ said LAFD Captain Will Alderson of Station 69. ‘Originally we thought that it might have been caused by an erupted gas tank, but it was later found to be intact. Now we think the fire might have started in the front of the car. We do know the fire was gas-driven and spread quickly in such a narrow space.’ Alderson said seven firetrucks and 25 firefighters responded to the 911 call shortly after 2 p.m. When they arrived on the scene, the SUV, which had come to rest in the middle of the one-car garage, was already on fire, billowing black smoke, its license plate clearly visible from the parking lot. Not knowing yet if there were people trapped in the vehicle, firemen broke open the front door of the garage. Flames immediately burst out, threatening the one-bedroom apartment above the garage as well as the two garages on either side, which were also being used for storage. Within minutes the fire was out. Firemen worked quickly to unload the stored items which had fallen on the hood of the vehicle, including a chair, a chandelier and some winter clothes. Unable to determine through the blackened windshield if there were passengers in the car, firemen went around to the back of the garage and entered the vehicle through the rear window, which is when they discovered Taylor’s body in the front seat. It was not until the car was pulled out of the garage some three hours later that they also discovered the child. Just before the fire first broke out, Colette Taylor and her son Preston, one of 85 children enrolled in the Methodist preschool, were participating in an after-school cooking class in a classroom overlooking the parking lot. The children had just been presented with their cooking certificates and chef’s hats with their names on them when the teacher, seeing smoke, quickly called for the room to be evacuated. The chocolate marshmallows and sugar cookies the children had made for their parents would have to wait. One of the mothers, seeing flames, called 911. Evacuated to the front of the church on Via de la Paz at about 2:25 p.m., Colette and Preston stood in the rain with the other parents, students and teachers while firefighters battled the blaze. After about 30 minutes they were told they could leave. Apparently Colette and her son walked home, just a half-a-block away. By this time helicopters were overhead and several television news crews had arrived. One mother, who wished not to be identified, told the Post that it was only when firemen allowed her to retrieve her car in the parking lot, which was parked some 100 feet from the accident, that she realized there was a burnt vehicle involved. She said it never occurred to her that it might belong to a family from the school ‘because it was in the garage.’ Methodist school and church officials had no inkling either until a detective from the LAPD asked ‘Are all of your families accounted for?’ recalls Joy Detmer, the Methodist church office administrator. ‘We told him ‘yes,’ as far as we knew.’ Preschool director Jan Gentry said that when she left the school around 4 p.m. she was not aware there were people in the car. It was only after watching ‘the 5 or 6 o’clock news’ at home that she heard about the two fatalities, ‘involving a man and a child.’ She immediately rushed back to school and went through her parent list, trying to determine what family it could be. Around 7 p.m. ‘a detective came in and gave me the names,’ Detmer said. ‘I was devastated.’ A little over an hour later Gentry and Reverend Nancy Wilson paid a visit to Colette. ‘We prayed with her,’ Wilson said. Colette Taylor was home making dinner when three policeman came to her door around 6 p.m. They apparently asked if the family Acura had been stolen. She told them that as far as she knew it was in her husband’s possession and that he was still out in it with their daughter. According to the LAPD, there were no witnesses to the accident, although within minutes the tenant who occupies the apartment above the garage was on the scene. ‘I heard a big crash and then tires spinning,’ said Carla Testa, who has lived in the building for 11 years. ‘Immediately I smelled smoke and ran to the garage but couldn’t get the front door open. It was only when I ran around to the back that I saw a car had gone through the wall.’ Why the car went forward instead of reverse, and how it could have gained enough momentum to crash through a six-inch lathe and plaster wall is not known. What is known is that Jeff Taylor had suffered a seizure ‘about a year ago,’ his best friend Phil Pecsok told the Post. The Methodist preschool reopened yesterday and is providing grief counseling. Preston arrived shortly after 9 a.m. with his mother, who briefly visited the accident scene, now bordered up, with a friend. A few minutes later she picked up some flowers and a note that had been left there and went into the church sanctuary. ‘The best thing parents can do is to tell their children the truth,’ advises Gentry.’ That there was an accident, that the father and daughter passed away and that we believe they are happy in heaven.’ Services for Jeff and Bayden Taylor are set for Friday at 2 p.m. at the Methodist church.

Junior Women Donate Over $90,000 to Local Groups

The Palisades Junior Women’s Club awarded more than $90,000 to 36 local organizations at a reception preceding its general meeting Tuesday night at the Woman’s Club. Recreation, public schools and community beautification groups topped the list of major award recipients this year. ‘The Junior Women’s Club is proud to be awarding a record amount of money to the greatest number of recipients ever,’ said president Nancy Smith. ‘Projects we’re especially enthusiastic to fund are two family-oriented summer series to be enjoyed at the Recreation Center, one featuring music, another showing movies under the stars.’ For the past 18 years, the club has donated the proceeds from its annual Holiday Home Tour and Boutique to deserving nonprofit organizations serving the Palisades community. ‘The continued success of the annual Home Tour is largely due to an incredibly supportive Palisades community,’ Smith said. ‘Everybody wins by participating in this event.’ The Palisades Field of Dreams received this year’s largest award, with a donation of $20,000 for the community-driven renovation and expansion of the playing fields at the Palisades Recreation Center. The Club also awarded $7,000 to the Recreation Center for implementation of a Summer Family Concert Series in the park. Continuing its commitment to public education, the Club earmarked a total of $20,000 to five Palisades schools’Palisades, Canyon and Marquez Elementary schools, Paul Revere Middle School and Palisades High. The Palisades Charter Schools Foundation, which represents the seven schools in the Palisades Charter Schools Complex, was given $1,000 to help support the upcoming charter renewal process. Significant amounts also awarded will help support Palisades Beautiful ($5,000 for the planting of new trees); Street Works Program by Chrysalis ($4,000 towards cleaning the streets and sidewalks in the Village, a Chamber of Commerce project); Meals on Wheels ($3,655); and Palisades P.R.I.D.E. ($3,000 to complete the historical Clearwater mural on the exterior of Sav-on). Other 2004 grant recipients included: ”Palisades Malibu/YMCA ”Palisades Americanism Parade Association (PAPA) ”Heal The Bay ”P.A.R.C.S. (Palisades for a Respectful, Clean and Safe Park) ”Palisades Garden Club ”Fire Station 69 ”Fire Station 23 ”Friends of Film ”Pacific Palisades Woman’s Club ”Palisades Graffiti Busters ”Palisades Village Green Committee ”Library Foundation of Los Angeles’Palisades Branch ”Oom PaPa Band ”Sisters of St. Louis League/Corpus Christi Church ”Theatre Palisades ”Pacific Palisades Disaster Preparedness ”Palisades Hunger Walk ”Sheriff’s Posse’Palisades Chamber of Commerce ”Santa Monica Baykeeper ”Palisades Symphony Orchestra ”The Nature of Wildworks ”Palisades Community Center’Palisades Skatepark Fund ”Chamber Music Palisades ”Pacific Palisades Art Association The Junior Women’s Club was established over 60 years ago as a way to bring dedicated young women together to enhance and preserve the unique qualities of the Palisades community.

Schwarzenegger’s Charisma Gives Republicans Hope

With the election of Arnold Schwarzenegger last October, state Republicans seem to have been encouraged in their bid to gain more representation in the state legislature, despite being the minority party in California. The incumbent Assemblywoman Fran Pavley, and State Senator Sheila Kuehl are being challenged in November by newcomer Republicans Heather Peters and Leonard Lanzi. Both are moderate Republicans and disagree with the incumbents on fiscal policy. Pavley’s 41st District stretches from Oxnard to Santa Monica and includes valley communities from Agoura Hills to Tarzana. Kuehl’s 23rd District runs from Agoura Hills to Santa Monica, and over to Beverly Hills and West Hollywood. Peters, 38, came to politics in an unusual fashion. ‘I always thought I would like to run for office someday,’ said the Santa Monica resident who made a test drive by running on the recall ballot against former Governor Gray Davis. ‘I spoke to Republican groups all over the area, got out there and told them what my positions were. It was an amazingly warm reception. People were supportive of my moderate positions.’ Ultimately, Peters withdrew from the recall race and supported Schwarzenegger, but she pulled her papers to run for assembly. ‘Basically, I am a centrist Republican: pro choice, pro environment and pro-gay rights in terms of gay couples’ property rights, hospital visitation rights, and adoptions,’ she told the Palisadian-Post. ‘I differ from Fran on fiscal issues. For example, she sat on the budget committee that produced the current $38 billion deficit, and I also take issue with her co-authoring Assembly bill 1690 that would have imposed a county income tax of up to 10 percent of the state income tax. I think we need to get our fiscal house together in Sacramento and not force that burden back on the localities.’ Peters spent 10 years as a litigation attorney until she got tired ‘of never feeling like celebrating anything. I never felt that I was doing anything for society.’ She now runs a private mediation practice in Los Angeles where she mediates civil matters from business dissolutions to personal injury. ‘Anything but family law,’ she insists. Married to Jeff Bonhach, Peters says that she will continue to talk to as many local groups as she can. ‘I think there is a time and a place for moderates. People are looking for elected officials who are working together, and certainly in this district, that’s where you need to be.’ o o o Leonard Michael Lanzi, 41, acknowledges that 23rd Senate District race is not one that is winnable for a Republican, given the fact that 58 percent of the district is Democratic, but he does point to several factors that may play in his favor. ‘This is Arnold’s home district, which may not mean a whole lot, but if it looks like there may be a crack in the armor, maybe he’ll weigh in. ‘I am also a gay Republican running against a lesbian, so that puts the sexual orientation issue to rest. ‘I was recruited to hold our opponent to task,’ Lanzi told the Palisadian-Post. ‘Kuehl has a record she has to defend; I would like to raise enough money to put her record out there so voters can judge for themselves. ‘I think that there are other ways of doing things and you can’t be singly focused when you represent such a large number of constituents. When it comes to fiscal issues, I disagree with Kuehl. We have to create an environment where small businesses can survive. Her SB 2 was an anti-small business bill requiring small business to provide health care for their employees. You can’t drive them away with excessive workers’ comp. I think that as moderate Republican, I can work with both parties.’ Lanzi and his partner of 14 years, Russell Nelson, have lived in Topanga Canyon for the past three years. Currently employed as director of development for Junior Achievement, Lanzi was the executive director of the Santa Barbara County Boy Scouts for 10 years before he was let go for being gay. He sued and settled out of court. Last summer while he was unemployed, Lanzi began thinking about running for public office. ‘I started to look at the recall race and thought maybe it’s time to try a shot at public service. I have a background working in a collaborative way and working with many groups in the community, I know and understand government. I had already made overtures with the party, and soon the Republicans came to me and asked me to run for the senate and even paid my filing fees, even though they know I’m a pro-choice Republican.’ Lanzi says that he will continue to hold Kuehl’s record out for people to see and at the same time introduce himself to people as a viable candidate for this or future elections. A frequent shopper at the Palisades Farmers Market, Lanzi says that he is looking forward to talking to Palisadians, and holds hope for strong support in certain portions of the district. ‘I think that I’ll have a chance, particularly in the western part of the district, including Calabasas, Oxnard, and even Topanga, where he says,’there are a lot of independent-minded people, not all necessarily Democrats.’ Other Election Results: The two education measures on the ballot’State Proposition 55, and local Measure R’passed on Tuesday, bringing more money for new schools, school infrastructure, maintenance. Proposition 55 provides $2.3 billion to fund necessary education facilities to relieve overcrowding, repair older schools and upgrade and build new classrooms in the state’s community colleges and universities. Measure R provides the Los Angeles Unified School District $3.87 billion for additional classroom seats, a full-day kindergarten, adult and early childhood education facilities, library books, repairs and remodeling, and sites for charter schools. For Palisades Charter High School principal Linda Hosford, the passage of both bonds was optimistic news. ‘We qualify as an independent charter for all these bonds,’ she told the Palisadian-Post Wednesday. Our facilities are part of LAUSD, so this money will be used for construction and deferred maintenance.’ Hosford said that the school had already made a list of priorities for Bond K, which was passed two years ago and provided $2.7 million for Palisades Charter. Palisades’ wish list included an upgraded security system and outdoor lighting. ‘We are still waiting for the timeline on those projects,’ said Hosford. ‘It is difficult to access what would be on the R lists, especially since the primary goal for the district is to build new schools. ‘As for the state measure, now that we are directly funded by the state, this is good news.’

Go! Go! Nanette!

Actress Nanette Fabray at her home under construction on Swarthmore, which is within walking distance of the village.
Actress Nanette Fabray at her home under construction on Swarthmore, which is within walking distance of the village.
Photo by Rich Schmitt, Staff Photographer

Who would have thought that actress Nanette Fabray has been moonlighting all these years as a real estate entrepreneur? Yes, the award-winning former Broadway and television star, who has won three Tonys and three Emmys, has been buying, fixing and flipping property in the Palisades for more than 40 years. We found her sweeping sawdust off the floor of her latest project, a 3,100-sq.-ft. house two blocks from the village. ‘This house is for when I’m no longer able to get around easily,’ says the 83-year-old star, who last week was supervising the installation of the hardwood floors (oak) and the kitchen cabinets (natural maple). ‘There’s everything I need right here on the main floor, including a bedroom and a bathroom, which is wheelchair-accessible, in case there’s ever a need for that.’ Fabray, a former honorary mayor of the Palisades (1967-69), started her stage career at age 3 at the old Million Dollar Theatre in downtown Los Angeles. Her greatest success came in the 1960s when she worked on “Your Show of Shows” starring Sid Caesar, which was broadcast live. ‘Those were wonderful, magical years working with Sid and writers like Mel Brooks, Carl Reiner, Neil Simon, Mike Nichols, and Woody Allen,’ she says, ‘One thing I learned from them is you can’t learn funny. You either are or you aren’t.’ Not so funny was Fabray discovering in her 20s that she had a genetic ear defect, which led to her involvement in the passing of the American Disabilities Act. She also worked to bring sign language and captioning to television and in the last year has made dozens of appearances on behalf of the disabled. These days, however, Fabray is busy completing the two-story contemporary home on Swarthmore that is being built to her exact specifications, right down to where her pool table will go in the open living/dining/kitchen area, which features a fireplace that opens to the back patio. The house, located at the corner of Hampton, is environmentally friendly, with skylights, retractable screens, and solar panels that will eventually provide 60 to 70 percent of the house’s electricity needs. There is also a fire sprinkler system indoors. ‘This house is ‘beyond’ code,’ jokes Fabray, who bought the lot two years ago, tore down the existing structure and has been involved in every aspect of construction. ‘Seriously, this being a corner lot it did present some challenges. For example, the entry to the two-car garage, which was on Hampton, is now on Swarthmore, which requires a new curb cut. It all takes time.’ While the project is taking longer than expected to complete (occupancy is now projected for June) and ‘cost at least a third over the original estimate,’ Fabray is pleased with the results, from the custom-made stained-glass front entry doors featuring a leaf-and-vine motif, to the wrap-around balcony on three sides of the second floor, to the extra storage space in the attic. ‘Nanette is very hands-on,’ says her contractor Danny Giagni, owner of Distinctive Builders. ‘She is always making lists and walks around with a measuring tape in her hand. We have a tough time keeping her off the scaffolding!’ Six years ago Giagni and Fabray tackled a property on Northfield, which presented an even bigger challenge. It was only after tearing down the existing house on the irregularly shaped lot that the foundation was found to be unstable. ‘It was a huge lot with such beautiful trees, but then I had to spend $80,000 just to shore it up before we could even think of building,’ Fabray says. When the house was complete ‘I had the good fortune of renting it out to the German Embassy for four years before selling it last April. It was an excellent investment.’ Fabray says she became involved in developing real estate after her husband, screenwriter Randy MacDougall (‘Mildred Pierce,’ ‘Cleopatra’), passed away in 1973 and she was left to raise their young son Jamie, who was 14 at the time. The couple had bought their first house together in 1952 in Beverly Hills, which was part of the former Mary Pickford estate. When they needed more space they bought Dinah Shore’s house, also in Beverly Hills, which they renovated extensively. Then, in 1963, on a Sunday afternoon drive along Sunset, they discovered an old ranch house sitting on half an acre on the edge of Rustic Canyon. ‘It was once a real working ranch, so it had a great iron stove and a drying room for the workers’ clothes,’ recalls Fabray, who promptly renovated the dilapidated house, adding on an Art Deco-style bathroom worthy of a star. ‘My idea for this bathroom started when I found this gorgeous Persian marble somewhere in downtown L.A. I purchased all they had, which wasn’t much, and then had the bathroom built around that.’ In the ’90s, Fabray subdivided the lot, selling off the main house and keeping the guest quarters for herself. By this time her son had moved to Manhattan Beach, and wanting to see him and his growing family more, she purchased a derelict three-story beach house, a block from the Strand. ‘It needed a lot of work. Not only was it ugly and smelly, but there was a fireplace blocking the ocean view. Now it’s stunning. Because the living area is on the top floor, I added a small elevator which is very convenient.’ Fabray then went to work looking for a suitable commercial property with enough parking for her son’s growing dermatology practice. She found exactly what she was looking for on Manhattan Beach Boulevard. ‘I just walked in and made a deal directly with the owner. He even agreed to carry back the mortgage!’ Fabray had the one-story building torn down and a new facility built to Jamie’s specifications. The actress currently divides her time between the Rustic Lane property and Manhattan Beach, where she enjoys visiting with her two grandchildren, Kylie, 8, and Ryan, 5. Asked when she plans to move into the Swarthmore house, she says she doesn’t know. ‘My plan right now is to rent it out for a while and get some income. It’s definitely not for sale.’ Fabray says there is no secret to her real estate success. ‘Really, it’s location, location, location. I guess I have a good eye and I’m willing to pay a fair price. In fact, I can’t understood people losing a property over a few thousand dollars, which is exactly how I came to own Swarthmore. The owner was tired of haggling with another buyer, who had already made an offer, so he sold it to me instead.’ Asked what her next real estate purchase will be, Fabray says she’s not sure. “But I’m always looking. Let me know if you hear of anything.’

Teaching Physical and Mental Self-Defense

Pacific Palisades is an insulated, unique community, but one which is not immune to big-city problems. ‘We love the Palisades. The bad news is a lot of people here live like ostriches: they see horrible things in the news, but think ‘that can’t happen here,” said Max Impact self-defense instructor James Gavsie at a women’s self-defense workshop here January 31. ‘Things do happen here. We live in that kind of society.’ Along with the other women in the class, I learned not only physical but mental ‘self-protection’ from instructors Gavsie and Fred Cerrato, who both have a background in martial arts and now teach their classes at Gerry Blanck’s Martial Arts Center in the 881 Alma Real building. In addition to practicing punches to the face, getting out of a wrist grab and escaping a body hug, the women learned about different thinking processes in everyday situations. For example, although the conventional safety advice is to avoid using cell phones while driving, Gavsie also warned against using them while walking down the street, as it makes callers distracted and not as aware of what’s going on around them. ‘Cell phones are one of the biggest distractions,’ said Gavsie, who believes that ‘realistic self-defense’ incorporates learning how to be attentive and not be an easy victim. The instructors also warn women to use their senses at all times, noting that some criminals use two-on-one distractions, with one person distracting the victim while the other commits the crime. Listening to our instincts and expanding our sense of awareness was also emphasized. ‘If you don’t feel comfortable with someone in an elevator, don’t get inside,’ Gavsie said. ‘An elevator is a soundproof steel chamber.’ He also warned about being aware of a place where an attacker could hide when walking into a parking garage or entering your car. The class combined physical combat with suggestions about how to deal with certain situations’mostly reminders to keep our eyes open. Gavsie, 250 lbs. and 6’3′, said to the women in the class, ‘Everyone here is capable of doing physical damage to me.’ Long-time martial arts instructors, Gavsie and Cerrato have been teaching out of Gerry Blanck’s Center since December and, prior to that, taught the Max Impact Self-Defense classes in Atlanta. ‘I hardly ever get into a physical confrontation, but I use mental martial arts every day,’ Gavsie explained. The teachers had us pair up and practice out the moves with one another. To work on our mentality, Gavsie had each of us think of five motivating reasons why we would fight back. The focus of the class was avoiding any kind of attack, but in case it’s unavoidable, the teachers cited reports that a victim who fights back is better off than one who doesn’t. ‘If an attacker says ‘Come with me and I won’t hurt you,’ don’t believe him,’ Gavsie warned. We paired up and practiced our one-two punch, aiming for the face or nose. The instructors came around and urged us to put our full weight into it, stopping just short of the nose of our partner. They also assured us that adrenaline would add to our power when needed. To get away from an attacker grabbing us by the wrist, we practiced with a partner, jerking our forearm towards our opposite shoulder to break the connection of the attacker’s grip. The exercises mostly focused on putting our full body weight behind the movements to be more effective. As for using a groin attack, the instructors say to use your shin to kick someone in the groin, and don’t count on it as your only line of defense. Each woman had a different reason for wanting to come to the class. For Amy Fee, it was confidence. ‘I live in Santa Monica, I like to park on the street and there’s no street lighting,’ she said. Palisades travel writer and marketing expert Beverley Auerbach wanted to learn some safety skills to use during her frequent travels. The seminar was valuable for Palisadian Sharon Shaw, whose husband, a Max Impact martial arts student, suggested it to her. ‘The mental part of their course was information we know but don’t think about’awareness,’ she said later. ‘I already shared with friends and family and I feel good about showing them a few important moves and awarenesses that they can now use to protect themselves.’ The instructors’ four survival rules, all of which apply to men as well as women, are: 1. React immediately. Don’t let someone follow you somewhere; go immediately to a fire station, public place, etc. 2. Resist, do not comply (except for giving money and car keys or possessions). 3. Don’t go to ‘crime scene number two,’ which could be an adjacent room at a party, in his car, or anywhere someone wants to take you. 4. Never give up. They also discourage weapon use without extensive training, because weapons can be used by the attacker against the victim. For a stalker’someone who calls several times a day, doesn’t take ‘no’ for an answer and doesn’t care about your feelings’the instructors advocated a direct approach: address the stalker immediately and in no uncertain terms. ‘Shut them down right away’tell them you have no desire to be with them,’ Gavsie said. For example, if someone is harassing you in a store or market, be very direct and say something like: ‘You’re bothering me, I’m about to call security.’ In general, an effective verbal response to any kind of harassment is saying ‘back off’ in a strong voice. For break-ins’call 911 and get out of the house if you can. Two other tips for this situation: keep your cell phone close by at night, in case a thief cuts off the phone line, and practice a family escape drill, just like a fire drill. Max Impact offers ongoing kickboxing, martial arts and self-defense classes at Gerry Blanck’s Center. Contact: 456-0233 or go to www.themaximpact.com.

Rogers & Hillman Unite In Palm Springs Wedding

Sarah Elizabeth Rogers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hamilton Rogers III of Houston, and Robert Dunlap Hillman Jr., son of Mr. Robert Hillman of La Jolla and Ms. Barbara Bidwell Hillman of Pacific Palisades, were married by Reverend Erika O. Gara on January 3. The wedding took place at Estrella, a hotel and spa in Palm Springs. The bride, 31, is keeping her name. She is an MFA student in fiction writing at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. She also has an MBA from Stanford and graduated cum laude from Princeton with a degree in philosophy. She worked in New York and San Francisco for Goldman Sachs before business school, and at a technology startup and at a consulting firm in the San Francisco Bay Area afterward. The bridegroom, 33, is currently an MBA student at the University of Iowa. He graduated from St. Matthew’s School and Harvard High School. He played volleyball on Palisades Club teams at the Junior Olympics and starred in volleyball in high school and at Stanford. Until this fall, he was a full-time singer-songwriter who lived in New York for eight years and who was part of the Songwriters’ Exchange, a weekly meeting started by Jack Hardy. Bob toured extensively as the opening act for Suzanne Vega and others, and put out two albums produced by Tommy West, Jim Croce’s producer. He has a BA in English and an MA in organizational behavior from Stanford. The couple met at a wedding in Santa Barbara on New Year’s Eve 2000/2001, when they were seated next to one another at dinner by the matchmaking bride. Bob lived in Brooklyn at the time but moved to San Francisco that summer (and then, quite sportingly, to Iowa City). Bob’s mother, Ms. Hillman, is a 30-year Palisades resident. She is currently an independent management consultant and a retired adjunct professor of Organizational Theory at Pepperdine University.

Historical Society to Trek to Historic Sierra Madre

The Pacific Palisades Historical Society is planning a bus tour on Sunday, March 14 for members and other interested Palisadians to see a famous wisteria vine planted in 1871 and browse Sierra Madre’s arts and crafts fair. Sierra Madre is a quiet town at the base of the San Gabriel Mountains, planned originally as a utopian community by Nathaniel Carter on land purchased in 1881 from Lucky Baldwin. Famous for its tree-lined streets and homes ranging in style from Victorian and Craftsman to California bungalow, Sierra Madre is a town distinct from all others in Southern California. It is well-known as a haven for artists, poets and creative people. Streets and homes are shaded by native oaks, sycamores and other trees. The most famous living thing in town is the more than century-old wisteria vine, listed as the world’s largest blossoming plant in the 1993 edition of the Guinness Book of World Records. This plant now covers nearly an acre of private property between two homes at the northern edge of town. The bus will leave from Los Liones and Tramonto Drive at 11:30 a.m. sharp and will return before 5:30 p.m. The cost of $15 includes the bus trip, driver tip and ticket to the festival. It does not include lunch; a brown bag lunch or snack at the festival is recommended. To register, send a check to Pacific Palisades Historical Society, Box 1299, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 before March 9. Contact: 454-2101 or 454-8468.