The indomitable Tom Hanks returns to film screens Friday, Sept. 9, in “Sully.” The Clint Eastwood-directed biopic follows pilot Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger, who rose to national prominence in 2009 after executing an emergency landing of a commercial airbus in New York City’s Hudson River. The film depicts both Sullenberger’s heroic decision-making after the U.S. Airways jetliner’s engines flamed out after colliding with a flock of geese as well as scenes of his upbringing in Texas, learning to fly a crop duster as a teenager before moving on to the Air Force.
Although Sullenberger was able to save the lives of all 155 passengers aboard the flight and was celebrated as a hero in the media, an investigation was launched that threatened his career. Aaron Eckhart and Laura Linney round out the cast as Sullenberger’s co-pilot and wife, respectively. The picture was written by Todd Komarnicki; Eastwood, Allyn Stewart, Frank Marshall and Tim Moore served as producers.
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