‘The Outsiders’ | Pali High
Performances of “The Outsiders” will continue at Palisades Charter High School from Thursday, November 14, to Saturday, November 16.
The show, which opened as the school’s fall play on Thursday, November 7, is adapted by Christopher Sergel from the S.E. Hinton book.
“The story deals with real people, seen through the eyes of young Ponyboy, a Greaser on the wrong side of life, caught up in territorial battles between the have-it-made rich kids—the Socs—and his tough, underprivileged ‘greaser’ family and friends,” read a synopsis. “While the Socs appear to have everything, the only thing a Greaser has is his friends. This is a play about young people who are not yet hopeless about latent decency in the midst of struggle.”
Performances will take November 14, 15 and 16 at 7 p.m. in Mercer Hall. Tickets are available for $10 for students and $17 for general admission at gofan.co/app/school/CA18976. A VIP preferred seating ticket is available for $25.
Bodega Rack Winter Clothing Drive | The Village
Pacific Palisades Friends & Newcomers Community Engagement Committee has partnered with BOCA to host a winter clothing drive on November 16 and 17 from 2 to 4 p.m.
Gently used winter clothing, including sweaters, jackets, coats, sweatshirts, hoodies and jeans, will be accepted to will support the Santa Monica College Bodega Rack GIVING THANKS(giving) clothing drive.
“Every donation goes directly to SMC Bodega Rack, providing students free access to a collection of curated, gently used clothing to support their personal and professional needs,” read information provided by Friends & Newcomers. “Your generosity directly translates into degrees, careers and dreams achieved.”
Friends of the Bodega Rack will be at BOCA, located at 970 Monument Street, to help with donations. Donations were also accepted on November 9 at Laya on Montana Avenue in Santa Monica.
PPAA Juried Art Show | Palisades Branch Library
Pacific Palisades Art Association will host a Juried Art Show at Palisades Branch Library on Saturday, November 16.
“All forms of art are welcome to participate,” according to PPAA.
There is a $10 fee for each piece of artwork submitted, with a maximum of three artworks per artist.
The day will kick-off at 9:30 a.m., and artwork drop-offs will take place until 10:30 a.m. A reception will be held at 1:30 p.m., followed by an awards presentation at 2 p.m. The event will wrap up at 3 p.m.
For more information, contact palisadesart@gmail.com.
Holiday Toy Drive | The Village
Unwrapped toys for children, gift cards for teens and nonperishable food items for families will be collected at Coldwell Banker Realty Pacific Palisades by WISH Academy High School junior Joseph Hood.
“I sincerely appreciate this opportunity to share with you my service learning project, partnering WISH Academy High School with Deaf Latinos y Familias for their annual holiday event,” Hood said. “DLyF is a nonprofit organization serving deaf, hard of hearing and special needs children in the Los Angeles area … WISH offers American Sign Language as a foreign language option, and I am currently a third year Honors ASL student.”
Hood will pick up donated items on December 13 to bring to the school’s holiday event on Saturday, December 14.
Introduction to CA Native Plants | Palisades Branch Library
UC Master Gardener Emi Carvell will host an introduction to California native plants at Palisades Branch Library on Saturday, November 16, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
“Unlike Emi’s usual programs, this will not be hands on,” read an event description. “Emi will be joined by two other Master Gardeners who will share their expertise with you and show slides of the different native plants.”
RSVPs can be made by emailing palsds@lapl.org or by stopping by the Reference Desk.
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