Longtime resident Brian Shea is focusing his “let’s fix it” skills on the parking lot at the Palisades Recreation Center, which has not been paved or resurfaced in at least 36 years.
Shea, who has been the Palisades-Will Rogers 5K/10K Run organizer since its inception in 1977, has watched the asphalt pavement gradually decay. “There’s no reason we can’t get it repaved,” he said, noting that the parking lot is heavily used, morning to night.
The roadway off Alma Real has developed “alligators” (broken pavement resembling an alligator’s back), caused when water seeps under the surface and washes out the underlying dirt; then the pavement starts to buckle, allowing pieces to “pop” out. Potholes have also developed between the cement sidewalks and pavement, which could expose the city to liability if someone is injured.
Shea alerted Councilman Mike Bonin’s office to the issue, and it was discussed at the Park Advisory Board meeting on July 24.
“Part of the [proposed] master plan for the park is increased parking,” said park director Erich Haas, “so it might make sense to wait until that takes effect first.”
Members of the committee pointed out that implementation of a master plan could take years and that the parking lot needs to be paved now.
The subject will be brought up at a Pacific Palisades Community meeting in September. “I feel strongly about this and I’m happy to chair any effort,” Shea said.
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