Hearing Aid
Hearing aid lost October 8 -between 910 Via de la Paz and Bank of America. Call 310-454-8040. REWARD.
THANK YOU to all of the hard-working firefighters at our local stations who helped save the library. We are so grateful.
I love seeing all of the suggestions for a place to get a cup of coffee in the Palisades – my suggestion is Alfred. Love that there’s a little space to sit and enjoy a cup while people watching as well.
Winding Way
Yay for the return of Winding Way! Check it out this year – the display is not to be missed.
Ballot I
I’ve received my ballot in the mail and am so excited! Everyone keep their eyes peeled for theirs, and don’t forget to register to vote if you haven’t already!!
Ballot II
Everyone be aware of fake and illegal ballot boxes that have been popping up in LA and across California, please remind others that there is an official box in front of the Palisades Library or to send their ballots in by mail.
I’m curious, are people planning on taking their kids trick or treating this year? I know some neighbors are planning on leaving some candy at the end of their driveway. I guess we’ll see. Just be careful.
Got something to say? Call (310) 454-1321 or email 2cents@palipost.com and get those kudos or concerns off your chest. Names will not be used.
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