It boggles the mind that tattoo and massage parlors are opening in L.A. while hundreds of schools – including most of the schools in the Palisades – that have a desire to reopen and the ability to do so safely (distancing, masks) are prohibited from opening. Why is this happening? Because businesses lobby to open, teachers unions lobby to keep all schools closed, kids can’t lobby, and parents have a collective action problem. Our elected officials should lose their jobs.
I suspended my Bay Club membership but they charged my credit card anyway. I guess that’s what happens when your local gym is owned by a private equity company. Shameful.
I am an aged senior citizen. I was recently able to confirm my voter registration and vote by mail. I also depend on social security mailing my check each month. The USPS is vital to keeping me alive. Please ensure that it continues to provide its services as usual.
I hope everybody is still taking care of themselves and not mingling with others. Being proactive about not spreading the virus will help keep it out of our community.
So excited!! Dropped off my ballot and am vigilantly tracking its progress until it’s received. Have you?
Leaf Blowers
Does anyone else notice that leaf blowers seem to be ever-present these days? The second the weather changes and leaves start to fall, it shifts from a weekly to daily occurrence.
I just love our pumpkin patch so much. I’m so happy the Y was able to put it on this year and am looking forward to returning to get our Christmas tree in December!
Got something to say? Call (310) 454-1321 or email and get those kudos or concerns off your chest. Names will not be used.
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