It would be great if Palisades Village could expand its music offerings to appeal to more people than Baby Boomers. Personally, as a Gen X’er, I’d appreciate some 70s, 80s, or early 90’s tunes!
It’s too bad that Pharmaca is going out of business. It’s really a shame, and I know we will all miss them. From the day they opened, to right before they closed, the employees were always so helpful and polite. Any ideas on what will go in?
‘Dining Dog’
It’s not unusual to see pets illegally wandering around in grocery stores, but I was a little surprised at a restaurant to see a dog sitting in a woman’s lap and eating off the table. The server said that restaurant allowed that. I’m dubious that the owner would have such a flagrant disregard of the appearance and health regulations.
‘Palisades Policing Problem’
The recent increase in local crime is alarming and unacceptable. Direct action must be taken by our Lead Officer, LAPD Staff and Private Security before Palisades deteriorates into Skid Row.
To anyone who is concerned that putting food scraps in the green bin will attract rats – those are the same food scraps you would otherwise be putting in your black (trash) bin. If the scraps don’t attract rats to your black bin, they won’t attract rats to your green bin.
Some of the plastics are not marked with the number on them, we have to be able to know which plastics go in which of our collection bins, and what do people with dogs do with all of their doggy doo in their plastic bags? Where do we put that? We don’t know what bin to put it in.
(Editor’s note: Animal waste, including plastic bags and cat litter, should be placed in the black trash bin.)
Got something to say? Call (310) 454-1321 or email and get those kudos or concerns off your chest. Names will not be used.
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