January 25 Edition
Thanks so much for Lisa Kaas Boyle’s environmental film and organizational Green Tip and David Grinsfelder’s insightful look at Europe’s North/South divide as it is encapsulated in Italy. The schism has been repeatedly examined in European novels, and is memorably played out in Franco Brusati’s 1974 movie “Bread and Chocolate,” with Switzerland standing in for Milan!
The dog situation at the Sunday Farmers’ Market is out of hand. I’m tired of “nice” dogs coming up behind me and licking or sniffing my hand and others darting in front with a taut leash. The operators of the market have abandoned any enforcement of the Health Department’s rule. Dogs are not allowed just like at Erewhon around the corner where there is a friendly sign explaining that you cannot bring your dog. I like dogs, but not where they don’t belong.
(Editor’s note: The Palisadian-Post reached out to California Certified Farmers Market, which runs the Pacific Palisades Farmers Market asking what their policy is on dogs and what they are doing to enforce it. This is the response from Melissa Farwell, director of coordination and development: “We have signage all throughout the market and our managers are continuously asking customers to exit the market with their dogs. Many dog owners either say their dog is a service animal, in which we can only ask two questions legally—is your animal a service animal and what service does it perform? If they answer correctly, our hands are tied … I do want to say that I actually appreciate this being placed in the paper as to hopefully prevent anyone that reads the paper from not bringing their dog to the market unless it TRULY is a real service animal.”)
The definition of insanity is repeating history and expecting a different outcome. And yet, despite nearly 70% of Californians expressing that the state is headed in the wrong direction, we continue to re-elect the same left leaning, progressive liberals or their clones. We need to stop robotically picking the same failed politicians and policies just because the vast majority of this state belongs to one particular party. With election season coming up, it’s time to think, to pivot or to suffer the continued insanity.
Got something to say? Call 310-454-1321 or email 2cents@palipost.com and get those kudos or concerns off your chest. Names will not be used.
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