There REALLY ought to be a crosswalk at “the brown building” on 881 Alma Real. I doubt no less than 200 pedestrian crossings are made there every day, especially after school. It’s an accident waiting to happen.
Leaf Blowers
Illegal gas blowers are still going like gangbusters even with the fire and poor air quality. Why are homeowners not asking for electric? Way less fumes and dust and it’s the law.
Leaf Blowers II
I had a good chuckle reading that it takes twice the time to clean a garden using a rake as it does using a gas-blower. That is a myth. In the 90s, when a group of Palisadians worked toward the ban, we organized a race between a blower and a rake. The rake literally took five more minutes. You might ask your gardener to 1) Not blow against the wind; 2) Not follow one leaf down the street; 3) Not blow top soil off of plants; 4) Remember, leaves are GOOD for nature; they create mulch. 5) Finally, schools in the Palisades were closed because of particulate matter generated by the fires. Gas-blowers create the same particulate matter that damages our children every single day. How about children and infants first, poisonous gas blowers last?
The Palisades are unanimous! The PPCC, LUC & DRB all voted overwhelmingly against the Jack in the Box development. Yet where is our Councilmember Mike Bonin on this? He hasn’t taken a position? Who is he representing? #Where’sMike?
I think we can all agree that there are no adequate words to express our admiration and thank you to our firefighters for keeping us safe. It was unfortunate that people in the alphabet streets evacuated as ordered but chose to put people that work for them in danger. Last week, when I was allowed Five minutes to grab some medicine I was sickened by what I saw. There were full construction crews working on homes, gardeners caring for lawns and housekeepers walking dogs. It is beyond my wildest imagination that these homeowners selfishly only care about their safety and not the safety of those who work for them. To those homeowners I urge you to take a long hard look at your actions and to remember that those that work for you also deserved the decency of staying safe.
Katie Hill
Please try to set aside the “MeTooMovement” for just a moment. I have been a life long supporter of Women’s Equal Rights, Human Rights, religious freedom, Black Power, etc but I now wish to start a new movement for #MeThreeMovement to honor the political demise of the former US Representative (D) Katie Hill. What cowardice does she demonstrate during her long sap filled resignation speech. She “wanted to show people to lead by good example”, please let us all move on without the likes of Katie Hill.
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