Today when I was walking down Palisades Drive, a black BMW sedan pulled over to the curb alongside me. The driver, a blonde-ish woman in tank top and short shorts, jumped out with clippers in hand to relieve the road median of its dangerous over abundance of roses. Multiple blooms were removed and I guess that’s why they call them freeway flowers—they’re free!
Farmers Market
This is very bad news. The Coronavirus infects most people in two manners. One – it spreads when people do no wear masks. Two – it spreads when people congregate.
Farmers Market II
So happy to hear that the farmer’s market is coming back!!! With that, please remember to still be safe and keep your distance from others, it’d be a shame to get it shut down again.
I love learning about all the beautiful nature and wildlife that surrounds our community! That wasn’t something I thought of when coming here, but many posts on Nextdoor have kept me informed and nothing brings me more joy lately than a personal reset in nature.
I’ve heard a lot about rats in the Palisades lately, I saw somebody post that they found six! Would anybody know why?
I love that the Palisades is full of animal lovers – I have been walking my big dog for so many years here. One thing I have noticed lately is people walking their dogs off leash which I think is really dangerous. My dog and I have been chased/followed literally 2 times this week by off leash large dogs with the hair on their backs up ready for a fight. Please neighbors, keep your dogs on a leash when walking in the neighborhood.
Every time I drive past the beach and I see it mobbed with people that have been crammed in small apartments without air conditioning it is a reminder to us how lucky it is that we live here.
Got something to say? Call (310) 454-1321 or email and get those kudos or concerns off your chest. Names will not be used.
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